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About wizduels

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. wizduels

    How do I carry more than 3 weapons at a time?

    I carry 6 weapons. SKS (slung), Mosin (held), Magnum and 45 in tactical pants/vest, Machete, and sawed shotty in backpack.
  2. wizduels

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    They just need to make zombies much more dangerous and add many more of them. The reason people band together is to have a better chance at survival. Create that environment, and their will be a corresponding rise in emergent friendly play styles. The bandits should retain their option to maraud the cities and countryside but at much greater risk to themselves unless they too are forced to band together as bandit groups. In either case, heroism or banditry, the increased zombie threat will force more interaction among players on either side of the 'moral' spectrum.