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Everything posted by Khattr

  1. hello all, i just wanna you to explain me something. i ve been killed many times by bandits and lately with friends i ve seen bandit just killing and then disconnecting without even trying to get the loot from the corpse.. i don t understand that . what s the point in killing just for killing and don t even try to get the loot ?
  2. Hello all, I was wondering : As the d/cers and others ghosts just ruin the game, why can't we, admins, ruining their game ? What i'd like to do is : - When a d/cers is spotted : to warn him using global chat - then randomly kick him with message " d/cers / ghosters " . I don't think I'm breaking a rule doing that and I'll be ruining his game so he/she ruins others ... Any ideas or suggestions ?
  3. Of course every admin action i'll make will be justified and covered with logs ... I had the case this morning : they surprise us, they kill my mate, I kill one of them, then a second ... and the third just spawn behind me ... I've my own testify, I've the log showing the disconnect of location X,Y , then reconnect X+5,Y+3 ... I think this is enough ... Today, I warn that player. Next time, i'll see things like that on the log, he'll be randomly kicked .... And I'm not talking about banning ... His behaviour has to be punished ... But he/she hasn't cheated, he used a weakness in the game system . So his punishment has to be lighter... Could any member of the dev team confirm I'm not breaking any rules ? And could some one tell me how to make a cyclic message with the rules ??? I've made it translate in russian by a friend ( I'm european, part of "my" gamers are Russian, lithuanian or use cyrillic-based languages ) So everybody will know what mean to be "warned"
  4. Hello all, I have a cheater on a server I'm admin on. He(she) make some forbidden vehicule to spawn . I'm trying to figure out who is it ... but I've lots of holes in the arma2 rpt files. On the script.log files , i've found something I don't understand : 21.07.2012 19:53:03: PLAYER_NAME_HERE (PLAYER_IP_PORT_HERE) PLAYER_HASH_HERE - #36 raddWeapon = 'addWeapon' 21.07.2012 19:53:03: PLAYER_NAME_HERE (PLAYER_IP_PORT_HERE) PLAYER_HASH_HERE - #36 raddWeaponcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeapon.sqf') 21.07.2012 19:53:03: PLAYER_NAME_HERE (PLAYER_IP_PORT_HERE) PLAYER_HASH_HERE - #36 raddWeaponCargo = 'addWeaponCargo' 21.07.2012 19:53:03: PLAYER_NAME_HERE (PLAYER_IP_PORT_HERE) PLAYER_HASH_HERE - #36 raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf') 21.07.2012 19:53:04: PLAYER_NAME_HERE (PLAYER_IP_PORT_HERE) PLAYER_HASH_HERE - #30 rcreateMarkerLocal = 'createMarkerLocal' 21.07.2012 19:53:04: PLAYER_NAME_HERE (PLAYER_IP_PORT_HERE) PLAYER_HASH_HERE - #30 rcreateMarkerLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createMarkerLocal.sqf') 21.07.2012 19:53:04: PLAYER_NAME_HERE (PLAYER_IP_PORT_HERE) PLAYER_HASH_HERE - #31 rsetMarkerPosLocal = 'setMarkerPosLocal' 21.07.2012 19:53:04: PLAYER_NAME_HERE (PLAYER_IP_PORT_HERE) PLAYER_HASH_HERE - #31 rsetMarkerPosLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setMarkerPosLocal.sqf') I can't find anywhere else in the log thing like that... Of course I've anon the guy name, ip and so on in case I'm wrong and this is legit. Could someone explain me what is that ? Thanks
  5. And for example, the hackr seem to have spawn a attack heli on the server, is it possible to track coordinates of that vehicule and to try to associate its with one player coordinate ? I'm a fully newbie ... so i don't know where to start ...
  6. So I hope I've an idiot on my server :-) ... Thanks for you reply
  7. Oh, thanks for the advice .... Do you know what I should look for ? Thanks
  8. Khattr

    1.7.2 view bug

    Hello, Yesterday, I spawned after installing the 1.7.2, I had a view on the Gorka-Polana fuel shop (I was in the 101068 wood). I waited there for a friend who was in Dubrovka.He arrived on zone, but I was unable to see zombies that has spawned in the Fuel station nor I was able to see my friend until he cross the road. I'm very surprised, all my videos settings are on high/very high excepted for the post-processing ( I hate that blur ). My comp is a i7 960 @3.2 , a GTX560, and 12 gb as RAM and win 7 64bits. After that, I switch to version and join a was able to see the zombies in fuel station AND i was able to see the tree on the hill opposite to me ( yeah, I can't see all the tree in the distance either )If needed, I'll be able to give you more informations ! Anyways, thanks for the awesome work ! Any idea someone ? EDIT : Adding screenshot of the tree in the distance .... with my video settings...
  9. Khattr

    1.7.2 view bug

    OK. So we played yesterday : - I can't see any tree / object / road / person further than 1200 meters - There were no fog, nothing. - I was able to see player closer than 1200 meters. And I'm still using the same video settings (.. I put shadow on "normal" ... ) It's very strange to see trees/roads/building appear when walking toward them. Any one has an idea ? Thanks
  10. Khattr

    1.7.2 view bug

    It was not lag .As soon as I see my friend, we don't have any teleport-case or things like that ....it's just that we can't see anything further than 500m ....We'll see today if the same appear .
  11. Recently, I got killed with a Coyote Backpack/m107/M9 SD close to Solichny . I respawn at Otmel , I ran and get my stuff back ... So , oO wtf . So, before taunting people without knowing anything and being off topic ... Thinks twice ... so we'll avoid wasting time reading you .
  12. Dear Hawk, Unfortunalty, this is not the action of a single man .... But, anyways I know why now ... So, the sum up is : some bandits kill and then just disconnecting 'cause they don't want to be shot back by anyone in the area . The reason they are bandits is ... their matters ( i don't know , i don't care in fact) but they are dc'ing . That's the point . And that's why I hate them ... At least, I can get my stuff back ... So, you dc'ing bandit, when you kill someone, do the job well : at least, hide the body ... ( and please don't do it by server hopping to emptyone and joining back once you're in position ) @Bandits, thanks for answer. I hope I'll never meet one of you .... or my lifetime will be shortened alot ;-)
  13. Khattr

    1.7.2 view bug

    Hey Commander, Yeah I was on 2 servers : the first on 1.7.2 and the second on Both were daylight, with a ping < 60, no cloud, no fog ... I'm wondering if it's a server issue or a update issue.... Gonna try others 1.7.2 servers and take SC ... we'll see
  14. @Vipeax : Hello, thanks for the info. I'll be waiting for my favorite game to come back ... And YES, as you said : "No DayZ, no DayS " :-D
  15. Hello, I'm wondering if the difficulty settings ( Regular, Vet , Expert ) change somthing for the zombies ? are they more powerfull in Expert than in Reg ? Can they aggro from further ? Thanks !
  16. @Mordino ":] Got a girlfriend for that." XD Mooseocalypse, Louis, Herr Robert... : Again, this is NOT a anti-pvp thread ... And, I'm not gonna comment the "omfg, too funny to kill people" thing ... If you are playing, you're not killing people then just dc'ing for finding another target don't you ? You killing the guy, then changing spot to find another victim / loot barn / do whatever you want / rape cow ... That's a the way this should be ... Not killing guy and dc'ing to avoid be spotted / shot ... "So now that there is no practical way to differentiate between survivor and bandit, how do you suggest someone stick exclusively to hunting bandits? " All bandits are survivors Some survivors are bandits. Survivors still are survivors when they kill in retaliation of shot. Bandits are survivors that shoot on sight
  17. @Ivanuvo I disagree with that. Bandits can also kill because the guy may be a threat.
  18. Oh, don't misunderstood my point of view : Bandits are part of the game and as you said it make a lot for the thrilling experience. I just don't get the point of killing then disconnecting ... Last time we were going to the deer hunt which is north side of the Windy Mountain. The guy was looting the farm 200 m north of that. I stayed back to cover my friend , he go up to the hunt , was shot dead ... I saw the guy just hiding in one of the barn . then nothing. I stayed there for covering my buddy corpse. He spawn in Komarovo, come sprinting and ... get his stuff back. I would have understand if the guy, just kill him then go back other way ( in case the killed guy was not alone ) but just disconnecting like that is strange. A bandit is a bandit, he kill on sight and make people cry in front of the screen , yeah ok no problem with that. But disconnecting like that is, imho , just like dc'ing before getting killed.
  19. Khattr

    NY84 Cheater

    AS a MAD, we are aware of that s*** . I post to ask what can we do . I go also killed by that guy, but I can't get his name to ban him... see http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=20912
  20. I was playing on NY 84, home server of my clan. A guy teleport behind me, look like a zombie, with a axe, and attack me . I shoot at him 2 mag with my m4a3 ... He survive but two axe hits later, not me. Then he teleport at the other side of the map and kill a clanmate . We can't know his name, the admin says he can't have access to such informations. so what can we do ?
  21. Salut, Je t'ai envoyé un mp avec les moyens de me contacter....
  22. I just got shot like 15 peoples in US 27 Chicago 21 .... 1min ago ... Please admin and DAyz Staff, get this b** out ! And if possible, can I get my stuff back ?
  23. EDIT : I spawn 10 mins ago . see lots of people get killed ( ** was killed ) I was standing far away from anything I heard a shot , See the "you're dead" and come here . There's no way someone can shot me so quickly . That mean teleport + wallhack ... Thanks for everything Yeah, why not .. care less about the stuff comparing to the guy ... It seems that I'm not the only one to deal with it ... So why am I the only one to post something here ?
  24. Hello folks, First of all : message for the Dayz Crew : You've done an awesome job ! thanks ! Here come my Dayz suggestions for a game like I'd like to play: I want to cry, to yell, to be happy in the same game. I want to be sad when one teammate die, I want to be happy when I loot something, I want to cry and be upset when a bandit got me ! In one word : this is the first game I've played where I have feelings . You don't have feelings in COD nor in BF3, you just ran, shoot, kill, get killed, respawn, go back : the goal is to kill more than be killed . In Dayz, all the game is in your head not on your screen ... "Where's that guy? I heard someone drinking ... " That's why there's two things ( IMHO ) that need some work on it : Reality and Atmosphere(or mood) . That's why, I'd like (please ) : 1) Create random military raid : As I've seen in others threads, please set up some foreign military ( i.e. UN "Blue boys action squad" ;-) ) and make them raid some area, killing zombies and survivors. They'll be equipped with nice military weapons and lots of stuff ( vehicule ... ) => Big risk, big reward + mood + coop + reality 2) Do not spawn weapons in military camp : only ammo I'm fed up of people looting NW airfield while server empty... So, if people want big noisy weapon : people should kill owner of that weapons ( above Blue boys ) or others survivors ... => Big risk, big reward +mood +coop 3) New zombies : Children Children go faster, hurt you but do not make you bleed nor fracture your bones but by its yelling when upset, make adults rush you ... => A dark game in a dark world +mood 4) You spawn like you are, that mean : "naked" ( in term of equipment ;-) ) No guns, no beans , no water, no backpack ... Should come with a increased % loots of these in the residential area The beans hunter will have to hunt their next target, so , maybe those targets will figure what's going on in their back .... => A bit of power balance I think +mood +reality 5) A Stamina and Fatigue system Like the real life .. You cannot run all around the map like a headless chicken .... You have to sop running for your stamina to go up. You have to rest sometimes for your fatigue to go down .... => Paranoid thing : "I've run for a long time, I need to rest, and I heard some strange noise close to me "... +reality 6) Comm : Only Direct Comm and the radios things ... + mood + reality I don't want to say something again for the bugs we all know . I tried to argue for what I think. I hope those who will respond will do the same and not just a " No, no, no , no , no and NO " . So, Dayz Team and Dayz Players, what do you think about that ? P.S. : I'm not a native english speaker, so be lenient with me !