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About cav_guy

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  1. cav_guy

    Exp Update 0.61.136479

    Same here. Get in the queue and then disconnect.
  2. cav_guy

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    This seems like a trivial question to ask, given all the performance issues people are having, but I'll ask anyway: Has anyone found any of the pouches for the plate carrier on stable yet? I've found several plate carriers, but no pouches. I've been running around all over the place looking for them. I ran across several of the pouches on experimental yesterday, but not a single one today. Haven't found the holster for the plate carrier either, but I only saw one of those on experimental yesterday, so I think it's pretty rare (saw it on the WOBO guide as well). Possibly related, I have seen a ton of chest holsters spawning in military spawns today. I wonder if something happened with the item ids with the version pushed to stable. Just a thought. For what it's worth, I haven't noticed any framerate issues. I'm running with no startup parameters. This patch does seem to crash more often than .53.
  3. I left a gun in a dry bag that I hid in a bush yesterday. It was still there when I was able to make it back to that spot this morning. There was probably at least 3 or 4 restarts between the time I dropped it and the time I came back. Seems to work.
  4. That should burn them ;) I prefer my steaks cooked about 4 minutes a side. Medium rare. MMMMMmmm. Seriously though, I have noticed the cooking time getting longer. Used to be less than 10 minutes. Were these 80 - 90% steaks?
  5. cav_guy

    Pub Roof, Known glitch or teleported there?

    It'a not a telport. Bullwon posted a video of how to get up there: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/200385-awesome-secret-sniping-spot-in-svetlojarsk/ From your video, it looks like it's not such an awesome spot after all. Nice shot!
  6. Saw this on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2buy1z/how_loot_respawn_works_in_dayz_exp_image_album/ It may not be THE answer, but it's the best explanation that I've seen so far. We'll see if it still works this way when they bring the experimental servers back up.
  7. cav_guy

    Sweet Justice! (Hardcore video)

    Great vid. I laughed when your buddy came up behind the friendly guy at the begining. "Too be honest, my friend has his gun on you right now". That was awesome.
  8. Aloha! THE LMB bug definitely sucks. I've only experienced it in melee combat. The thing that works for me is to be very deliberate with each click and let the swing animation complete before I click again. With the hit box being messed up right now, I'm using the time to line up my next swing. I can take on two zombies like that with little or no damage (3 hurts a bit and you better have a gun for 4:). I've even killed two with one swing a couple of times :). Yeah it's a glitch, but I figure if the zombies can still (sometimes) glitch through walls and see me from a mile away, killing two of them with one swing of the axe is fair play. For what it's worth, I didn't experience the LMB bug when playing on the AUS/NZ server. It's only one data point, but I would think that high ping isn't the cause.
  9. I experienced what I would call a "hard reset" (defined as a complete loot wipe and respawn on a server) on the AUS/NZ* HC server this morning. I was cooking some deer meat when I got the 5 minute warning for server restart. I thought I had enough time it finish up before the restart. So, I finished cooking, broke down the fire, picked up my bow, and a minute later the server restarted. It took about half an hour to come back, and when it did I logged back in to discover that the last save of my character was before I extinguished the fire. The fireplace and my bow where gone. Thinking that it was possibly a hard reset, I made a run to the military base in Zelornegorsk. It certainly looked like I was the first one there. There was no extraneous loot anywhere. It could be a coincidence, but I really don't think so. With all the server restarts going on this weekend, has anyone else seen this? *I was on the AUS/NZ server when all the US servers were packed. One thing I learned: ping > 200 makes zombie combat very hard.
  10. Characters are only wiped on updates (per Eugene on Reddit), so they were all wiped on Friday. Since then, I've logged in and out several times with the latest patch and my character is the same. There's no way to lock any doors or create any other sort of stash. However, whatever you drop will still be there through a server restart. I've seen this in several ways. I'd recommend dropping something somewhere out of the way and then go back to that spot tomorrow and see if it's still there. It's really cool, although I'm easily impressed.
  11. Made it back to where I was killed yesterday and the things that the guy who killed me didn't want were still there. Good stuff.
  12. I made it to the military base SE of Vbyor this morning. The place looked like a teenager's bedroom: jeans, shirts, jackets, and shoes EVERYWHERE!!!!! I had a good laugh and added my wool coat and hiking shoes to the mess. On a serious note, I wonder how they're going to clean out discarded loot like that?
  13. I saw this as well. A guy I met didn't have a mic. I was talking, he was typing. Battle eye kicked him. PSA: get your mic working!!!!!!!
  14. When the server I was on crashed, I logged back into it and went back to the last few houses I'd been in. The exact same loot that I'd left was still there, so I fairly certain it persisted across restarts. I also think loot respawning is working. I was in the ATC at the NEAF and saw six or seven pairs of new spawn running shoes, indicating that people had been finding military boots. I found a pair of combat boots under the straits and added my running shoes to the tally. I also think I've seen containers not persisting items as Eugene mentioned on reddit. I found two completely empty med kits in a clinic. They weren't "glitchy" med kits where you can see what's in them if you put them in your inventory, they were really empty. It's only one data point, I'm curious what other people are seeing. Finally, KOS is alive and well on experimental. Sigh.
  15. cav_guy

    DayZ- Zombie hunt a Cow

    Funny vid. FYI, you need a knife to get meat off of animals you kill.