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Everything posted by iBane

  1. iBane

    Dayz - Zombie headshots

    They can only be cured with high doses of pB or amputation of the head...
  2. iBane

    What happened to the Melee?

    Melee strikes are intended to work like firearms do now. (Players can ADS and fire guns more quickly when from a raised stance.) The Intended System: player can strike immediately with a melee weapon or fire/ADS a gun instantly from a raised-ready position. Firing/ADS or striking with a lowered weapon takes longer as the weapon needs to be raised into an "ready" position before the attack/ADS occurs. The Current State: this works properly with firearms and does not with melee weapons. Melee weapons must be in the raised position to strike. The capability is not in place to raise+strike from the lowered position.
  3. iBane

    A fair warning

    Dev updates suggest they have the server lag problem cornered and expect to have a fix tomorrow.
  4. iBane

    Zombie spawning

    Server lag has nothing to do with respawning zombies. Watch the dev tracker... There's an issue with network messaging causing UDP overload: From Rocket's twitter: "The lag issue with 0.42 relates to size of UDP packets exceeding what can be handled. We are isolating which message causing this to fix it"
  5. iBane

    FFS make animals not make Z noises...

    Sound: lowest priority for this stage of development.
  6. iBane

    Zombie spawning

    From Rocket on the DayZ reddit: "I must remind people this implementation (zombies & their respawn system) is place-holder only, in the strongest sense of that term. Expect the zombie spawning, collision, and behavior to be fully up for revision as an entirely new separate team is currently looking at this."
  7. iBane

    Stuck under a building

    Happened to me before. Vaulting eventually worked. You might try running + vault as well...if you can run.
  8. iBane

    Glitch Murdered!

    Well then, how exactly are you in a position to say it has "officially" been fixed?
  9. iBane

    Glitch Murdered!

    Can you link the official statement you're referring to? I've never seen an official statement that the wall glitches were fixed; only that collision and other things were being worked on that among other things would help fix this in the future.
  10. iBane

    Not Enough Food

    This is heavily dependent on where you are searching and how often the server you are on resets. With no loot respawn mechanic high-pop areas are loot-free quickly. So going North and to less popular locations helps. That being said if the server you're on is busy and hasn't restarted in 24 hours it can be tough pickings. That being said this pushes up the survival aspect for me...I like the mad dash to find food as a new spawn.
  11. iBane

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I have not had a chance to play since 42.xxx was pushed to stable, but I have many hours with build on experimental over the past 3 weeks and had no issues hitting/killing zeds. Lag/desync is the likely culprit if you're having problems at the moment. It sounds like it's a rampant problem they are working to hotfix.
  12. Patience, perspective, and the ability to read patch notes thoroughly...
  13. iBane

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Well that's the way it works right now. However, other than fists and machete, movement is normal with melee weapons raised so it's not bad. Also the patch notes indicate this is a problem (not being able to attack from weapon-lowered position) that Devs intend to fix. "Known Issues" "Melee: Cannot conduct melee attack from "lowered" melee stance (press space to chance stance to "raised")"
  14. The KOS bandits are EVERYWHERE and there's no way to avoid them...better take at least 6 months off from the game and forums.
  15. iBane

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    You must raise your weapon to attack zombies now: using the space bar. Previously you didn't have to.
  16. So, as I've never played the Arma II Mod and I've got a lot of time to fill between substantive SA updates, I'd like to spend some of that time playing the Mod. As you know there are lots of choices for the Mod now so I thought I'd get the veteran player community's advice on this issue. In the little research I've done it seems like Epoch is the way to go, but I'd like to hear other opinions Please vote above and comment below with your reasons. Thanks.
  17. Of course you're right this is technically the right thread, but I'll get 100x views and responses in the SA thread...and the topic is at least loosely tied to the SA since I'm asking so I can kill time during SA development.
  18. iBane

    Again no word about loot respawn

    FF to 13:15 mark in the vid: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/77808726128/here-is-our-latest-dev-blog-created-on-the-24th Not mentioned in the notes or discussed in detail, but loot re-spawning is listed as in development with zombie respawning. The main takeaway is that this is an area of active development.
  19. iBane

    Again no word about loot respawn

    Here's one quotes on this. There are more I'll try and find. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156129-confirmed-upcoming-features-for-dayz/?hl=%2Bloot+%2Brespawn Target Delivery: Early 2014 Currently to have the server check if something needs respawning can cause an issue with performance. We did not want to go with a "scripted" solution for respawning, and it is expensive on server performance. Player spawning on the coast is conducted by the engine, and we are going to employ a similar process for managing zombie and loot spawn (possibly parallelized). This is a high priority task and zombie respawn at least is very close to being implemented.
  20. iBane

    Again no word about loot respawn

    Yes yes you are right, but loot respawning has absolutely been addressed. I'll find the quote...
  21. iBane

    Again no word about loot respawn

    Redacted because I'm a dumbass and can't read.
  22. iBane

    things are looking good

    The latest ridiculous bitching I've seen is that stone might be required to make fires and how awful/unrealistic that would be...lolllll
  23. iBane

    No server found

    Are you are running the Experimental version? The experimental servers are off-line right now.