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Everything posted by iBane

  1. iBane

    Experimental: I am extremely hungry

    The US experimental servers are restarted daily from what I can tell. However, I've only been playing the experimental branch for about a week. When I first started I had a hell of a time finding any food as well as every place I went, even small locations, had been looted. However, when I came back online after that first session, it was clear the server had been restarted because different loot had spawned in the building where I logged out. Found the same to be true over the weekend as well.
  2. How many hours you have playing it?
  3. iBane

    Vendetta mask spawn ?

    When are they putting in the Ben Affleck masks?
  4. On a side note, Banished is really good.
  5. Update from Bohemia Interactive's HR Department: NOW HEAR THIS - All staff vacations and non-work activities specifically, but not limited to, the recreational playing of non-Bohemia games must be sanctioned and pre-approved by the Bohemia Interactive Forum Community via an open-poll thread. This will be known as and hereafter referred to as the "Rocket Rule". That is all.
  6. Idle Speculation never had it so good as it does now in this thread.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBZk6JZwJCU
  8. One of the best things about Rocket is that he's transparent even if it's going to cause a violent reaction. Sadly the reason that he's the rare exception is because of the lack of moderation in communities like this. (Anyone remember death threats to the developers for modifying damage rates in Black Ops II?) It is for this reason that everywhere else we're given next-to-no information and the scraps we do get are heavily censored with a image/marketing/legal filter. I'll take Rocket's direct communication style all day, thank you very much.
  9. Will I never be free from the multitudes of the intellectually unwashed?
  10. I've logged a bunch of time on the experimental branch and haven't experienced anything connected to the heart attack mechanic. I don't think you just randomly get heart attacks. The testing note implied you would get it from shocking a conscious person with a defibrillator.
  11. To say that something isn't perfect or an exhaustive expression of all your hopes, dreams, ideas, and intentions doesn't mean it's a failure. It means there are other ideas that need to be developed. It means the quest for perfection is never at an end. It means all things, no matter how good they are, can still be improved. Because the concept is flawed or doesn't encompass everything Dean would like to do in his career, doesn't mean it wasn't/isn't worth doing. Feel free to somehow feel cheated if you want, but I certainly don't. I've gotten my $$$ out of DayZ SA already and it's only in Alpha. Compared to the Alpha conditions of other games like RUST, The Dead Linger, or (dare I say) The War Z, DayZ SA's alpha build is miles ahead of the typical alpha. It's preposterous, in my opinion, to suggest this game - if you've played other alphas for any length of time - was just a money-grab scam.
  12. It's pretty clear from reading this interview and from everything else I've seen from Dean that he is a classic example of an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are catalysts (Dean used the term "grenade") who transform an idea into a product and start a business...and do so in the face of enormous personal risk. The hard truth is that entrepreneurs typically hate the necessary structure that comes when the free-flowing, fast-past, and very flexible start-up business is successful and transitions into a mature business. Business growth and maturation increases the complexity of the business. This complexity requires rigorous systems and processes to maintain the business' functional integrity. Entrepreneurs typically hate structure and process rigor...that's typically why they became entrepreneurs in the first place. Dean is doing a good thing by recognizing what he is, embracing it, and taking action on this. It would be of much greater harm to him, the game, and the community if he didn't. Many a successful start-up business has been destroyed because the founding entrepreneur lacked the ability to lead the organization's transition to mature business or couldn't recognize their inability to do so. And why would anybody be surprised Dean would come out and talk openly about it? Transparency has defined his game development career and has been one of the reasons he's been so successful at getting people to buy into his projects.
  13. Anyone who has a singular focus for years...one project they work on 12 hours a day, 7 days a week...is going to get burned out on it and want to do something else eventually. This project has pretty much been Dean's life for years and I don't think he'll leave it until it's viable without him. That being said, Dean doesn't strike me as the type of bloke to retire and just disappear. I think the others here who have suggested that he will open his own studio are correct. Folks who climb mountains (real or metaphorical) typically don't every retire...ever. This :beans: is for you Deano! :D
  14. Not sure if it's available on all games but steam had a list of players from recent games feature...maybe only available in the overlay??? Not where I can check atm, but maybe someone else will know specifically how you can check.
  15. iBane


    Rocket said yesterday the "AK" was close to completion, but he wasn't specific on specific model or timing. I'm assuming it's the AK-74M.
  16. iBane

    Cant Wait Till Chainsaws......

    Chainsaws are coming!
  17. iBane

    would .36 include any optimization?

    Changelog to the experimental branch. More things will be added before rolling to stable, but this is what we know about the next update so far. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175096-update-rev-036115535-experimental-branch/
  18. iBane

    Tips for better situational awareness?

    For me, the level of concern/effort I expend on situation awareness depends a lot on how far my character has progressed. If I'm a fresh spawn, with nary a can o beans to my name, I'm not going to be overly cautious. The caution level, tactical consideration, and effort put into threat detection goes up proportionally with the success of my scavenging. I'm just saying keep it in perspective. Some situations require very little caution.
  19. 32.33 repeating of course...
  20. If it makes you feel better, the devs are working on a suicide mechanic so this will be easier in future.
  21. Damn it Conspiracy Brother! This is why no one wants to hangout with you after work!
  22. Edit: Added a link to LaughingJack's development info thread. Great detail there.
  23. Dean didn't talk about importing weapons from Arma specifically, but I have seen other devs suggest that the weapons in DayZ and Arma are too different and they cannot just import/convert Arma weapons for DayZ.
  24. iBane

    Sleeping and infinite running

    Once alternative modes of transportation are in the game - cars, bicycles, horses, etc - I would guess the negative consequences of running will be increased from where they are today. Dean has already mentioned a stamina system is needed and planned.