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Everything posted by Juljan

  1. I agree with your general argumentation, but please do not use the " it cannot be done because it's not realstic". It's a game ! You can respawn after death, is that realistic ? Would you like to have to sleep several hours a day in the game so that it would be reallistic ? The worst thing in DayZ are the players. In real life, when disasters occur, most people are helping each other and a minority takes some profit from the situation. Seems that in games and particularly in DayZ it's the opposite. I would much more appreciate DayZ if the cooperation side of the game was reinforced.
  2. Juljan

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    I was also verry ennoyed by the timer when I had the "Please wait" black screen bug.
  3. Juljan

    Login and dead?!

    You had the Please Wait bug. Your character was on the map but the black screen was still there. If you press ESC key you'll see the environment is there. You were probably killed without noticing it.
  4. Juljan

    Horde of hundreds zombies spawning

    Something I'd like : instead of random zombie respawn, dead player's corpses would automatically transform to zombie after a few minutes. With the gear of the (dead) player of course :-)
  5. I'm a solo player and I totally agree with you on that point. +1000 I'd rather to have more interactions with the environment before heart attacks are implemented. I mean, my last fresh spawn died of starving in the middle of a field after near a cute rabbit. In the previously town there was also several kitchen gardens with nice pumpkins... In real world I'd have eaten the pumpinks, hunted the rabbit or found something to eat in the field (at least some roots).
  6. Juljan

    Unconscious/dead bug STILL!?

    This bug still occurs to a lot of players : http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=8917