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About Froody

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    On the Coast
  1. Froody

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    inb4 I only read the first half of the thread before it got too repetitive... OP if you don't want to kill a NPC your idea is flawed. The problem with combat logging is, that it is real option. My suggestion would be the following: Whenever you hear a bullet (not the gun itself but the bullet near you) you can't log out for the next 5 minutes. A period this long will prevent anyone from combat logging. If you try to log out the system will warn you, show the remaining time and you have to confirm your decision.
  2. Froody

    Do helmets actually do anything?

    Ballistic Helmets won't save you against melee attacks (tested it with a friend). 2-3 fists to the head an you're unconscious. Moto Helmets and Hard Hats will protect you though. Maybe infinitly, but we didn't test that. And they seem to greatly decrease the chance of getting bleeding wounds from zombies.