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Everything posted by Woodsy

  1. Woodsy

    Your first murder

    My first kill was an odd one. I was sick and close to death, i can across another survivor and asked him if he would kill me. Then he said "sure" and blew my knee caps away, but i wasn't bleeding (although i had broken legs). Not being able to move i asked him to put me out of my misery and finish the job, he laugh and said no and started to circle me. I stood on the spot (legs broken) whipped my baseball bat out and started swinging managed to clip him on the head. He passed out i took his gun and Pants (i had to humiliate him) and told him to kill me or I'd kill him. He refused I took his head off his shoulders and then realised in his lifeless body was the instruments for my recovery. I patched myself up and lived happily ever after (until i fell off a 6ft roof and died...)
  2. Woodsy

    Why can't i FIST!

    So look here is how it is. I'm new to the game and have been using tutorials to learn to play. but the most annoying thing for me is, I don't know how to whip my fists out and beat a zombie to death. there are times i'm in need to fight them off but cant. Please dumb it down for me i'm using the latest version.
  3. Woodsy

    Why can't i FIST!

    so is the stand alone better than the mod? what is the best to get the best experience. money is not an issue ill buy stand alone if i have too
  4. Woodsy

    Why can't i FIST!

    i believe so does this make a difference?
  5. Woodsy

    Why can't i FIST!

    yeah i went into key rebinded "raise weapon" to be spacebar and it doesn't do anything... i cant even defend myself :(