Right, so I'm a new player to dayz standalone (played around with the mod a bit), but have lurked on the forums quite a bit (got the game about a week ago) and this is my story... I start out next to a large city. Find an abandoned industrial building, all the doors are closed so I'm pretty sure it hasn't been looted. I go inside and close the doors behind me, thinking to myself that I don't want to alert anyone who stumbles upon the building that there might be a player nearby. I find a shotgun along with ammo on the second floor, sweet! First thing I find in the game is a gun? I'm on a roll. I figure out how to load it and proceed up to the second floor where I'm instantly shot in the back. I run for cover in a nearby room. I'm alive but my screen is black and white. He shot about 4-5 times but I figure he only hit me once in the legs because my jeans were ruined. I know where he is, in a nook behind the stairway... probably waiting for me to come up because he heard me rummaging around downstairs, but I'm pretty sure he is a server hopper because all of the doors in the building were closed and nobody came in behind me or I would have seen them. So I go prone in the room and watch the open doorway... I have a clear view of the top of the staircase so there is no way to escape downstairs, he either has to wait me out or rush me in the room. A few minutes pass. Nothing happens. I get impatient and poke my head around the corner. He isn't there. I check the entire building and he is gone. The doors downstairs are still closed. He combat logged, no other way he could've escaped. Like I said I had a clear view of the top of the staircase the entire standoff and he didn't go down it. Wow... REALLY? I got nothing against the way he ambushed me, there is nothing dishonorable in surprise. But the fact that he was cowardly enough to ambush me and combat log like a little girl when the fight didn't go his way pissed me off to no end. So I cool off and loot a few more buildings. I find a splitting axe, and have a nice little stockpile of canned goods in a green taloon backpack I found. I eat some food and drink a whole bunch of sodas and my vision is returning to color so I know I'm getting my health back. I find a large industrial building full of loot. (The one with the metal staircases leading up to a sort of tower, I think it's a garage of some sort?) I figure it's going to take me awhile to loot so I want to get on top of it to see if there is any danger. My caution pays off and I see a fellow survivor heading in my direction. He doesn't have a gun, but he is making a beeline for the building I'm in. I wait until he is inside and climb down the ladders. I pull my shotgun out and jump around the corner, and sure enough he is right there looting stuff. I say "Hey, hands up man!", he puts his hands up and says "don't shoot me, I'm unarmed!". Apart from a splitting axe on his back he appears to not have any guns on him so I tell him "Relax man, I'm not going to kill you unless you make me. I'm not going to take any of your stuff either, just turn around and get out of here." So he turns and runs out and I watch him a bit to make sure he isn't doubling back or anything. He isn't so I loot the first floor of the building. Then I proceed to go upstairs and loot the tower. On my way down to the bottom floor I see a flash of movement under the metal stairs. It's the same guy (same clothes and splitting axe) and he has his axe drawn. I don't have time to react and he whacks me once and I go unconscious (really? one hit?). The only way I could think that this happened is that the second I stopped watching him he doubled back and saw me go upstairs. Reasoning that I would have to come back down at some point he waited under the staircase in a spot where the only way I could see him is if it was too late. So I'm unconscious but I know my mic still works. So I say "Hey man i know it's you. Ok you got me, you can have anything you want out of my stuff, but please leave me alive. I could have easily killed you when I found you and I didn't. It's only polite to return the favor." He doesn't say a word to me and about 10 seconds later I get the "you are dead message", which means he finished me off with his axe or took my shotgun and killed me with it. REALLY? I posed no threat to him, he could have just taken my stuff and left me there but he killed me, even when I was in a position to kill him and let him go. The only reason I could think of for doing this was to grief/troll me. That's an awesome thanks for the guy who just spared your life. Lesson learned. From now on anyone I see I'm shooting. Even if they are unarmed. Are all the players this cowardly and shitty?