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About Zorres

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  • Location
    Queensland, Australia
  • Interests
    DayZ, Football, League of Legends
  1. Zorres

    Sightly Disturbing

    I wouldn't. It's a fuckin name get over it.
  2. I'd love to be even more unique while playing the game. Beards, scars, and everything else would be awesome!
  3. Zorres

    Bleeding attracts Zombies

    IRL blood doesn't have a strong smell at all. Fresh blood anyway... I believe sight and sound detenction are enough. Zombies are brain dead, they don't have amazing smelling abilities all of a sudden.
  4. Zorres


    I like this idea. I'd like random spawn points rather than the coast. Spawning in the middle of nowhere could be pretty interesting too. You'd be left clueless and would have to guess on which direction you would first travel. Cool idea man :)
  5. Zorres

    Did you really put in heart attacks?

    Remember that this is a zombie apocalpyse. You're running around with gear all the time, putting lots of stress on your body. Not to mention the odd firefight or two. The human body isn't as amazing as you think it is. I understand your aggrevation over this, but I don't think it should be removed. I'd rather see it become an extremely rare event.
  6. Zorres

    Option to perform CPR

    I think another method to wake an ally from being unconcious would be to perform CPR on them. This method obviously isn't the most efficient, and I think the chance of success should be somewhat low (20 or 30% maybe?). I'm also seeing threads pop up about apparent 'Heart Attacks' happening in game. If this is true, I think the character should fall into an unconcious state for a short ammount of time, and if you're left without an defib, your only option is to attempt CPR and have the slightest chance of saving them. Feel free to contribute, this is just a rough idea I've thought of in the past 10 minutes or so :P
  7. Zorres

    Did you really put in heart attacks?

    Does the heart attack put you into an unconcious state for a short period of time? This could be a use for the defibrulator. If it's currently an instant death then that just sucks I guess, but I think your character should be notified that there is a sharp pain in their chest or something, so that way you would know that a heart attack is iminent and you'll need a friend to quickly find a defibrulator. Cool ideas :) Oh and I'd love to see some evidence of this happening because I haven't experienced this one yet.
  8. Zorres

    Did you really put in heart attacks?

    Just because you're fit doesn't mean you are immune to heart failure...
  9. Seems like I'm a survivor. 82% Survivor 24% Hero 19% KOS'er 7% Bandit "You are the all round DayZ player who depending on his mood will choose whether to kill or not to. You tend to talk to people but shoot anyone who appears to be a threat. At least however you don't go around sniping new spawns on the coast." Seems about right.
  10. Zorres


    Usually A or C, depending on the situation. If I need to piss in real life, I treat it as I need to piss in the game. Walk into a pine tree and I do my business.
  11. Zorres

    Realism in the game

    PFPFFTTTTT zombies r so unrealistic 0/10 would buy wow /sarcasm
  12. I understand where you're coming from. The gun accuracy thing was just an example off the top of my head. I can understand some things need to be learned from a book, but I think if skills are implemented, books should maybe be the foundation of learning a skill. As you said, not everyone can do parkour or peform CPR. Training is needed.
  13. I don't usually visit a library to read books and gain "abilities" and "skills". I think if skills and such are going to be implemented, they need to be earned rather than found through books. For example, if there is an accuracy skill, I think the more you shoot a gun, the more familiarized with it you become, so over time you get better and better at shooting it. If that makes sense...
  14. Zorres

    New player communication

    If you can't find anyone on a high pop server, I think you're looking in the wrong places...