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Everything posted by mak

  1. Maybe it's just me being old school... But I'd rather see DayZ run off of a platform like the original Operation Flashpoint if you ask me... OFP was pretty stable in my opinion. Sure there were clipping issues and such, but it was always solid. EDIT: I'll clarify.... Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis (or even Resistance).
  2. You've all heard the sounds. You're in the middle of nowhere, and you hear a random zombie grumble. Or... Maybe you hear a gate swing open or closed. Maybe it's footsteps following the gate closing/opening. Maybe it's the sound of a gun being handled or loaded/unloaded. But my main question is why? Why do these sounds occur in the background audio? I look around and find nothing but bushes, trees, and possibly a rabbit. Why am I hearing these noises? Secondly, for those of you with the higher-end audio setups, you've also probably heard the very quiet LOOP of other sounds. These are generally the sounds of a character eating or drinking something. Again, this loop is very hard to hear and unlike the other sounds I'm hearing because they play on a loop. They do not stop.... I can't hear them while my character is running, jogging, moving in general. But I can hear them while not moving. Just in case you are wondering... my audio setup consists of Sennheiser HD-600s, a dedicated headphone amplifier, and a dedicated digital-to-analog converter (DAC) via USB to the PC. Any thoughts or comments on this topic would be appreciated.
  3. Something that commonly is overlooked in scenarios like these: Field Of View (FOV). I would have to assume that your FOV in the ArmA II DayZ modification is different than standalone. I immediately double-tab my "-" on my keypad to get the largest FOV possible. Obviously this provides the greatest angular view, but leaves out a ton of detail in the center of my screen if I were to just leave it at the default FOV. Further yet, you can double-tap '+' on your keypad and zoom to the smallest FOV. I'm wondering if there is a way to set a specific FOV value instead of the 3 aforementioned?
  4. mak

    Anyone else crashing?

    I've crashed twice today. I've never crashed before this. When I crash, it's always during a Global transmission, usually a song. How is someone able to transmit on Global??? FYI.. this is a hardcore server.