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About mak

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Maybe it's just me being old school... But I'd rather see DayZ run off of a platform like the original Operation Flashpoint if you ask me... OFP was pretty stable in my opinion. Sure there were clipping issues and such, but it was always solid. EDIT: I'll clarify.... Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis (or even Resistance).
  2. Something that commonly is overlooked in scenarios like these: Field Of View (FOV). I would have to assume that your FOV in the ArmA II DayZ modification is different than standalone. I immediately double-tab my "-" on my keypad to get the largest FOV possible. Obviously this provides the greatest angular view, but leaves out a ton of detail in the center of my screen if I were to just leave it at the default FOV. Further yet, you can double-tap '+' on your keypad and zoom to the smallest FOV. I'm wondering if there is a way to set a specific FOV value instead of the 3 aforementioned?
  3. You've all heard the sounds. You're in the middle of nowhere, and you hear a random zombie grumble. Or... Maybe you hear a gate swing open or closed. Maybe it's footsteps following the gate closing/opening. Maybe it's the sound of a gun being handled or loaded/unloaded. But my main question is why? Why do these sounds occur in the background audio? I look around and find nothing but bushes, trees, and possibly a rabbit. Why am I hearing these noises? Secondly, for those of you with the higher-end audio setups, you've also probably heard the very quiet LOOP of other sounds. These are generally the sounds of a character eating or drinking something. Again, this loop is very hard to hear and unlike the other sounds I'm hearing because they play on a loop. They do not stop.... I can't hear them while my character is running, jogging, moving in general. But I can hear them while not moving. Just in case you are wondering... my audio setup consists of Sennheiser HD-600s, a dedicated headphone amplifier, and a dedicated digital-to-analog converter (DAC) via USB to the PC. Any thoughts or comments on this topic would be appreciated.
  4. mak

    Anyone else crashing?

    I've crashed twice today. I've never crashed before this. When I crash, it's always during a Global transmission, usually a song. How is someone able to transmit on Global??? FYI.. this is a hardcore server.