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About TX_

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. This is what I'm anticipating to happen in SA as we'll due to lack of end game objectives. Maybe I'll be proved wrong by clever players who come up with great ideas inside the sandbox system. I'd just like the devs to implement something that supports other things than deathmatch for end game activities and not rely solely on players to come up with such goals. We'll see I guess :)
  2. TX_

    Ammo Needs Value in Finished Game

    I have to respectfully disagree with this reducing KoS. In theory sure, less bullets less killing, but in reality it would mean that while many players will have less ammo, due to items staying in inventory (and later in tents etc.) some will always have a lot of it. People like to hoard stuff, especially if it's both rare AND useful. And I don't even want to start with server hopping. People will find it and use it ( = kill people), especially if they know other people are likely not able to protect themselves (bambis and even geared players). This would also benefit players who play in groups. They would have easier access to ammo (more people to search for it and share as they see fit). Groups could hoard ammo, distribute it, and go on their man hunting runs. KoS-bandit groups are already a problem and I'm afraid this would only make it even worse. Now if ammo is relatively plentiful as it is right now (I do think it'll be reduced some 30-50%, same with guns), people will kind of quickly find means to protect themselves. Of course they can KoS too, but at least they are not on the mercy of organized KoS groups, experienced snipers etc. Makes the game more fun and negates the need for server hopping, too. So basically, with this idea implemented the game would become harder for new and solo players, and easier for server hopping, group playing KoSers. Can't say I'd look forward to it.
  3. TX_

    improved end game,, suggestions?

    There are quite a few threads on this topic, but in summary, people seem to view end game in DayZ as "make up your own fun" as in they are not anticipating the devs to come up with specific end game content. Base building and hunting maybe, but that's about it. I personally think that there would be a lot of potential in some type of NPC action (related to zombies of course!) and some kind of quests players could take on. More direction and goals in the game is what I'm voting for. But it seems many people don't want this type of stuff and instead want to keep the game very open ended and non-directed, which I can completely understand. I just feel that without at least some grand objectives the game becomes boring, and eventually results in KOS.
  4. TX_

    Dual Wielding

    Feels out of place. I mean, when bullets are scarce (or at least they should be given the theme), who'd be so careless to dual wield pistols? Of course it could be implemented, along with the severe accuracy penalties, point is that it would be kind of useless so might as well just not implement it at all.
  5. TX_

    Zombies with loot

    That would be great - didn't know BP already has it. Ugh, please no zombie stripping.. good call from the devs.
  6. TX_

    Zombies with loot

    Good point, I guess it depends on the kind of zombies they want to have in the game. They could be slow, dumb and dangerous only in huge hordes (the classic old-school zombie) or fast, vicious zombies that are always a huge threat (the modern zombie we've come to see in L4D, 28 days later etc). I think the mod had pretty predatorous zombies so that's what they are probably going for in SA as well. Still, I think zombies with loot (and on rare occasions also with very useful loot) would bring variety to the game play, for instance if you'd want to play a sole survivor who is committed to cleansing the infestation, you would have a bit more incentive to do so. It's a balancing issue, with too much / too good loot the Zs become prey, and I wouldn't like that either :)
  7. TX_

    Zombies with loot

    Thanks for clarifying, that indeed sounds like it could be a lot of trouble. I guess the backpack zombie is out of question then, unfortunately! For some other clothes it could still work though (pants, shirts) as in you couldn't see the clothing item on the Z so it wouldn't have an impact on the performance that much (like soda cans etc). It's a shame though, would really like to see some special item carrying zombies!
  8. TX_

    I love this game..But im scared to play it!

    Play like a man and die with honor if it comes to that. Or hide in the bushes and quit when you got bored. Your choice. It's supposed to feel like something, that's when you are doing it right. Also what they other guys said about not worrying about your loot, is very true. Welcome to DayZ!
  9. Here's a quick tip for you.. if the door of a house is open, it's very likely looted. Look for open doors and if you see many of them in a town/city, move on to the next one (players often loot entire towns/cities). You'll be finding a lot of stuff in no time. Now, how to find the good stuff.. that's another topic and I won't spoil it for you ;) Welcome to the party!
  10. TX_

    Zombies with loot

    Hmm, I wonder why spawning clothes is any different than spawning soda cans, ammo etc. Link to thread / dev blog maybe?
  11. TX_

    DayZ Squad Fights - Death Notes

    Nice action you guys got at the airfield, a solid video for that.
  12. TX_

    Zombies with loot

    Zombies are fictional, so devs can make them what they like;) If zombies have only crappy loot, people will not loot them. If there's a chance they are carrying something more useful / rare, people would be tempted to check their loot. So I'd say go with mostly crappy loot with a small chance of better stuff too (maybe that's what you implied with your comment also).
  13. TX_

    Zombies with loot

    They could prevent any negative effects by boosting the Zs (headshot only kills etc.) or making them spawn more frequently in areas that are lacking them. So I think it wouldn't hurt the overall game experience, at least when balanced right.
  14. TX_

    carry a m4 in your backpack

    I like this.. never understood the one rifle limitation anyway (or two rifles with one in hand). Just make the weight of guns (and their parts) have a realistic impact on the player and let them choose how to roll.
  15. TX_

    Go to the forest of trees

    I like the effort, but I think that it eventually boils down to play styles and preferences of the players. If people would enjoy virtual camping in virtual forests, we'd see more of it happening in the game already. Problem is, people don't seem to enjoy it as much as they like the action / player interaction provided by the coastal hotspots, military bases, airfields etc. Kinda makes sense tho, isn't that to some degree the reason we play multiplayer games - to interact with other players? Of course it has to do with the way the game is set up currently, it offering mainly the PvP aspect for end game activity (it's alpha so yeah). I'm with you on making the game more diversified, as in bringing more action outside the coast - the game could allow for various play styles as there are different players out there. I'm not sure if the suggested ideas promote this however, introducing more loot to wilderness for instance would in my opinion not change things much. Maybe if sleeping was necessary for survival, then people would find real use for woods and camping. Say your character would always be on the map when you log off as if sleeping, or for 2 hours at least, so that logging off becomes a tactical thing. I'm all for hearing more ideas that promote wilderness use, maybe we'll get more of them in this thread or others. I also haven't played the mod, so maybe a few vets could chip in on how it used to be in the good old DayZ ;)