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Calvin Candie

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Everything posted by Calvin Candie

  1. Calvin Candie

    Looking for Nameless Savior!

    Maybe it was Jesus and he fed the whole server with one pipsi
  2. Calvin Candie

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    So the patch will delete items and make the game hack-free heaven for the next 2 hours. Then hackers will get geared again and the cycle starts again?
  3. Calvin Candie

    Rain will be the new night?

    Wear a raincoat and you are safe. You can run in the rain. No serverhopping needed :)
  4. Calvin Candie

    September Rant Topic.

    Hahaha made me laugh, got beans from me. Ok I maybe overeacted, all I am going to say :P
  5. Calvin Candie

    Character customization?

    Looking forward to 2018 when this topic will actally matter. :P just kidding..More variety would be nice!
  6. Calvin Candie

    September Rant Topic.

    I DONT GET PEOPLE THAT KEEP SAYING ALPHA!!! They are like parotts reapeating that alpha warning for close to a year now. I can see them IN 2015 KEEP SAYING THE SAME THING. Ever heard of deadlines?
  7. Calvin Candie

    Another experiment

    Medics are not needed at this point. Im a medic too. Fixing even a broken leg is easy, you can do it by yourself, food is plentyfull, just no need for support roles like this. Later, when it gets complicated there will be use for us.
  8. Calvin Candie

    How could he.....

    Thats just bad handling of a normal situation. If someone in real life tells you they are friendly but carry a pistol in their hand would you ever let your guard down? No you wouldnt. People think there is some imaginary law of morals. Grow up, put your big boy pants on, and dont become a KoS robot like most kiddies.
  9. Calvin Candie

    Once DayZ is complete; Will it require studying?

    Why dont they make a game old school style? No tutorials. No guides. Keep trying and using your intelect. THE BEST THING IS YOU NEVER KNOW IF THERE IS MORE TO DISCOVER!!!
  10. Calvin Candie

    They nerfed characters.

    You people really want vehicles? Yesterday I took a nose dive from the 5th floor of an apartment building, went through all the floors and landed cleanly in an imaginary room on the building base. And lived. Then glitched below the building and hopped out on the street. Now imagine riding a bike into that building what sort of problems might occur there. Probably the universe would implode and dayz code would go nuts, brake into pentagon and deploy few nukes. Nuff said. BRING ON THE WEATHER EFFECTS! Forget the vehicles.
  11. Calvin Candie

    I think it's time.

    Best dayz story I heard in months. Beans.
  12. Calvin Candie

    One weird trick to avoid upcoming character wipe

    I expect this wipe to boost game performance as tons of sh** will be ereased.
  13. Calvin Candie

    What do you guys think of a foggy weather system?

    This would improve the feeling SO much!! I can already imagine my little crop farm hidden in a fog covered valley! Hell yes developers! Cities covered in fog? Yes please!
  14. Calvin Candie

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    And who are these other passionate individuals that would take his place?
  15. Calvin Candie

    DayZ Cinematic

    Its cool. But you need to find a way to get rid of the crossair dot
  16. It's moving to recycle bin
  17. Calvin Candie

    Do you think the LRS will be removed from Mosin when...

    And what did I say? There's a problem with your reading skills, do not worry about my logic XD
  18. Calvin Candie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Speedhackers or as you call them teleporters are ever present on full servers. Nowadays even on hardcore which really sucks balls. When my group sees a hacker we immediately log out of the server.
  19. Calvin Candie

    Do you think the LRS will be removed from Mosin when...

    Why would you remove the LRS from Mosin? It has already been weakened in the damage department. I really do not think that anyone can keep standing after that 7mm hits the chest, even with a heavy millitary vest on. Now it takes 2 shots to the chest to kill someone and sometimes even 4 depending on the layers of protection. Why cripple the Mosin even more by removing LRS from it.
  20. Calvin Candie

    Will tents last through 0.49?

    Yeah it is hard when you get attached to your gear. I learned not to get attached but it took me a long time and happened only when I had teammates who I know would help me get my gear back faster.
  21. Calvin Candie

    Isn't item permanence counterintuitive to permadeath?

    Waaaaait a minute. Warp back 3 months ago, the community voice was WHERE ARE THE FRIGGIN TENTS? Now they give us tents and you complain. PUT YOUR BIG BOY PANTS ON AND QUIT COMPLAINING.
  22. Calvin Candie

    Isn't item permanence counterintuitive to permadeath?

    Inception time. Nice! But actually there is a difference. You are much more safer running to your stash as a new spawn then looting cities. AND again, you are much safer hoarding items to your tent when already fully equiped.
  23. Calvin Candie

    Any of you guys wonder what time period dayz is in.

    It is set in the present day, but in a strong socialist setting making it possible to mistake the time setting for early 90'.
  24. Calvin Candie

    Most epic DayZ story

    Great story, here are some beans
  25. Calvin Candie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Speedhack is popular now. Got killed 2 times by these hackers, saw them move at impossible speeds myself. As the video above shows..