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Calvin Candie

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Everything posted by Calvin Candie

  1. Calvin Candie

    Make Hunting Harder

    Wait till the bears come. Those hunting lookouts might be usefull after all
  2. Calvin Candie

    Too Many Zombies

    Edit. My mobile is also clunky as I double posted accidentaly. Sry :D
  3. Calvin Candie

    Too Many Zombies

    Edit. Triple posted. Lmao :D REALLY SORRY. Admin help my mobile is in alpha also.
  4. Calvin Candie

    Too Many Zombies

    Every noticed how the hotkeys dont work? Ever had shit disappear from inventory? Ever had problems reloading guns? Ever had problems moving items from i.e. jacket to backpack and vice versa. In the dictionary, under CLUNKY, there is a picture of a gamer looking at a PC screen. And on the screen there is DayZ inventory, where moving a can of peaches from your pants to backpack takes 20 minutes.
  5. Calvin Candie

    Too Many Zombies

    I understand forever alpha and all that SHIT. But I am getting tired of one after another half-ass "pending more robust solution" excuses. FIX THE FREAKING ZOMBIES, MOVEMENT AND CLUNKY INVENTORY. And thats my opinion so go paint your toenails all you Dev team fanboys.
  6. Calvin Candie

    Mosin burlap wrap with grass

    I so looked forward to this! And got a dissapointed big time! As you said, the burlap strings are too visible. My friend tested it today and the only thing visible was the burlap part of the whole..thing!!! Devs, forget everything else!! this needs to be fixed ASAP!! XD --no for real. please fix it. I cant be stealthy enough. Camouflage paint on mosin still beats this.
  7. Calvin Candie

    Player spawn is the cause of all evil

    I agree. I think people should spawn all over. You can run from one edge of the map to the other in 20-30minutes. There are big loot zones in each corner of the map (except far SE but who cares) anyway.Time to mix it up devs!!!
  8. Calvin Candie

    OHK'ed by zombie

  9. Calvin Candie

    Nice people

    Your Italic font makes me skip your posts. @King Raptor Have you been to Berezino lately? XD
  10. Calvin Candie

    I'm angry at myself

    Whoever wrote Blame Yourself, needs reading glasses as the OP already named the title Angry at myself, so he is probably also blaming him self alread. People like to preach and have them selves heard. Anyway, OP, I had the same problem. Nothing wrong with you. You think like a normal person and Dayz is not normal apocalypse game. In real apocalypse there wouldnt be KoS. Maybe planned murder but who the hell would KoS.
  11. Calvin Candie

    Broke Leg with alot of Ammo and stuff if wanted

    Pants AND jacket. Jacket gets ruined by zombies and while getting shot.
  12. Calvin Candie

    Proactive Players Creating New Layers

    You got my vote, lets do this.
  13. Calvin Candie

    We need some camelpaks for our lazy survivors

    Haha you are a sniper I can see right through this.
  14. Calvin Candie

    Most Desirable Loot for Trade?

    Cereal fetishists
  15. Calvin Candie

    pig killers make serios mistake

  16. Calvin Candie

    pig killers make serios mistake

    Inventory tetris? Nice. I am using that.
  17. Calvin Candie

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    I want to see how I died. For example when I brake my legs and bleed to death after climbing a dangerous 15° slope, I would prefer a message like: "Nice glitch huh? Worked on that long time. Sincerly, Devs. P.S. thanks for the money."
  18. Calvin Candie

    People need to Do This Stuff More Often

    All I see are 5 duped assholes (but with different hats) molesting a player.
  19. Calvin Candie

    Most Desirable Loot for Trade?

    Cereal? Really?
  20. On stable it respawns after an item has been manipulated with. So if you pick up a can of beans, another item will spawn there shortafter.
  21. Calvin Candie

    How did you last die?

    3 deaths in 2 hours. Server scandinavian allstars hardcore. 1st - fully geared, crouching in the barn, zombie one hit kills me. Tip - DONT CROUCH AROUND ZOMBIES 2nd - respawned at Berezino :) some asshole shoots me with mosin, I hide and bandage. He gets attacked by neverending line of zombies. Chased him with my axe for 5 minutes, hit him unconcious, couldnt loot him coz of the Zeds, I was already black and white and bleeding, he wakes up and kills me. Question: how can a player with a backpack and a rifle run faster than a fresh spawn with an axe? 3rd - berezino respawn again. And again I go for revenge agains mosin KoSer. Guy with AKM shows up and makes swiss cheese out of me.
  22. Mostly trash loot is realistic.
  23. To the OP: Your set up is very good. But I would throw out the binocs and save 4 more slots as you have a decent scope on AKM anyway.
  24. How do you keep the base safe? You know you just rang the bell for bandits?
  25. Calvin Candie

    Warning about future Storage on Tents

    I so look forward to working tents. Im going to pitch mine in the middle of nowhere and use it as a base for all my adventures. Ill also make a decoy tent closeby, with some good loot to make people think they found the real thing.