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Calvin Candie

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Everything posted by Calvin Candie

  1. Calvin Candie

    Dayz Gold release + Reliability

    After 0,60. Stable the game is prettt damn good if you ask me. Ofc a lot to iron out, but certainly brought one player back after a year!
  2. Calvin Candie

    Dealing with the frustration

    I'm here because I like the game and want it to succeed. Orlok, I understand you are on side of the DayZ Dev team. Therefore your 100% biased and unrelenting determination to defend every action or inaction of the Dev team is understandable. Here is your last pearl of wisdom - "No overshoot has happened as nothing was stated about exact release" Orlok, instead you were " hoping" to release it end of February. Since hope became a big factor in this development, let's all put in a collective prayer. Who cares about 100 broken deadlines and set goals. From now on, we just hope. How about you and the dev team stop putting out any dates, months or any rough estimates as missing them only makes you look childish. No hard facts. Only blablabla
  3. Calvin Candie

    Dealing with the frustration

    So they overshoot enfusion segments release by 1 month. Should have been end of February if you all remember. So all of you kiddies that believe alpha sign justifies that obviously never did serious work in your life. Unless you'te building an olimpic stadium or a rocket to mars, overshooting a part of your project by a month means you're in some deep doo doo
  4. Calvin Candie

    Players dwindling

    Thats the bottom line. My vote is they shut it down now and come back when the games looks better.
  5. Hey I am a long time dayz fan, don't mean I'm blind though.
  6. How aboooout....they render the fucking grass at larger distance??? Old renderer could not do so, but since they are rewriting NEW renderer longer than it took Khaligula to write the Bible, maybe they find space and time to increase level of detail of grass at loooong distances.
  7. Calvin Candie

    Pick up the pace

    Imagine DayZ final release. Ok now stop dreaming. XD On the serious note, I send my best wishes and hopes to the Dev team push out new renderer as promised - end of 2015, start of 2016.
  8. Calvin Candie

    Have we forgotten our roots?

    All of you are right, no need to show muscle. Each and every one of us loves DayZ. We have different reasons why. Surival. PvP. Lone wolfing. Hermits. Adrenaline addicts. Whatever. And each and every one of us have a breaking point. When we stop putting up with crap. These threads reoccur when one of us reaches that breaking point. Do not diminish the importance of these threads by posting L2P or good riddance! That guy/gal loves DayZ as much as you do. In fact, so much he/she decided to spill his/her guts to you here. The fact is, if the next update does not deliver major gameplay improvements in form of zombies being half decent or persistence working or performance improvement, player base will be in serious trouble. And nobody dare point me to Dev Status Report. So many "ifs" and "maybes" I feel like I'm reading kids notes. With that being said, I still believe that final outcome will be positive.
  9. Calvin Candie

    The problem of DayZ SA - thread #999

    I am sad that I cannot play my favorite game for over half a year now. I bought a new computer just for DayZ. AMD 8 core processor, Radeon R9 290x, 8 gigs of RAM and an SSD. My frame rate is 20-30 fps and in Cherno its 5-15 fps. I liked the game better when alpha was released. Ran better with less bugs. I help run a small community. Ppl are leaving DayZ for Ark, for H1N1(!) and for other games. If they (devs) ever get to fullfil their promises of development, I will be a very happy man. But looks less and less probable. I hope the Devs prove me wrong.
  10. Logged in again after a month. Laggy as Alzheimer patient's brain. Can devs please revert the game version to the one used at public release? That was much better.
  11. Calvin Candie

    update done

    Didnt you hear? Its the enfusion engine. They merged it with the game. Also a new a hat.
  12. Calvin Candie

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    Answer to the Thread Title question: yes
  13. Calvin Candie

    The Psychology of Understanding Alpha

    Well if that is the case and we, the public, are slowing down the development as the team has to iron out huge bugs just so we can play anyways broken version, then close the alpha for public! Game is baaad anyway might as well speed up the development.
  14. Got in after couple of months . Lags Couldnt pick up a bottle Alt tabed the heck out See ya in couple of months
  15. You had my curiosity now you have my attention. Beans
  16. They will make a booklet like Minecraft did and put in stores for kiddies to buys so they can get more money
  17. Calvin Candie

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    It is still in Aplha. That means it is broken. And getting worse. Wait for beta.
  18. Calvin Candie

    whats the plan for optimization?

    DayZ is my first and last game I buy in early access. I want a finished product, don't care much to participate in development process. But as I loved DayZ Mod, it was a no brainer. Leared my lesson there. No more Early Alpha's for me.
  19. Calvin Candie

    These new bugs are the real game breakers!

    How about you embrace me killing you in-game while you cannot fire back:) I can already sense your embracing the bug whilst that happens.
  20. Calvin Candie

    When will the Zombie count be up?

    After there were no visible improvement for Zeds in DayZ SA for months, community started the retoric of DayZ not being a Zombie game but post apocalyptic survival with added Zombies for more threat. What a load of wet donkey dong. Zombie count will be increased. There is no DayZ otherwise.
  21. Calvin Candie

    Let's talk about "hide sites"

    Ok sir, don't get your panties in a twist:)I'm not military and this handbook looks pretty specific as it describes tactics ect. Good read.
  22. Calvin Candie

    Let's talk about "hide sites"

    Isn't this ranger manual like...classified? Eyes only? Top secret? Sure looks like a lot of info you can't find just anywhere...
  23. Calvin Candie

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    A new map! Here is what would be absolutely amazing to see! A map that gives you sense of travel. I would like a lot of details that reveal what happened to the world. -A highway packed with a traffic jam! Abandoned cars. Around 30-40-50 vehicles. Cars would still have loot. Some evidence why the jam happened (flipped bus blocking the road? Military vehicles blocking the road so noone would escape and spread infection?) -Abandoned hermit camp in the woods! Someone who lived off the land right after the apocalypse. Several corpses are evidence that no camp is safe. You could usually find some badly damaged clothes there, fishing stick. A pot. -Derailed train still burning! Zeds, once train passangers, shambling the wreck site. Kilometers before the train wreck, there would be an ambulance and police cars crashed by the road. They tried to reach the train wreck but oncoming car crashed into the ambulance. -Huge lake in the wilderness, middle of the woods! Imagine Alaska. Bear country. You would struggle to see the other shore. It would be a place of great activity. You walk the shore and see campfires 1-1,5 kilometers away along the coast (when engine permits to see fires far away). Fishing, trapping, hunting, surviving. I would love to see all this in one map.
  24. Calvin Candie

    Airfield Towers.

    Maybe the world with no apparent hot spots would not be as bad...