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About Rusty01

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Since some vehicles require parts to repair.... why the hell not?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eQvSFe6X7c&feature=player_detailpage#t=45s note: May require a Lada parts....
  2. Rusty01

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    148. Crawling through a doorway is like crawling into a bear trap.
  3. Rusty01

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    139. Just when you think you are safe, zombies also have the ability to materialize in front of you inside small sheds... 140. When matches can't be found, rubbing two sticks together is not an option. 141. You can use your scrap metal to 'repair' the house you are in while attempting to pick up windshields.
  4. Rusty01

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    Too bad there aren't any Gordon Freemans running around with crowbars...
  5. Rusty01

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    126. If you see a couple of kits and mid range weapons piled up in the middle of a field, it's too good to be true. 127. If a bleeding and unarmed Zed runs into the same barn as you, don't stick around for the zombie train to catch up! : P
  6. Rusty01

    Alternative food sources

    I was going to put this up too. Great idea -as there should be enough varieties of edible plants in this part of the world to harvest and eat without having to worry about fetching a knife, a hatchet/wood and matches to cook your game... add dandelions and nettle too! Also, as you spawn without a bottle, you should still have the option to drink straight from water sources anyway. I have passed so many dams, wells, ponds but can't get a single drop because I can't find a single canteen in any of the towns I visit (c'mon!)
  7. Rusty01

    Bonus Monster!

    Although the game is dominated by zombies, would it hurt to have an extremely rare monster (8 feet tall and scary as ***) lurking deep within the forests? I'm not talking about turning the game into something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - keep it primarily a zombie game with a bonus giant mutant zombie....thing! Throw 1 or 2 into the game every week or month (if it dies, it won't respawn until then), make it extremely hard to find (it could attempt to hide from players and charge when attacked or approached -taking more than 3 players or xxx number of rounds to kill it). Alternatively, you could have it aggressively hunt and attack players upon sight as soon as they wander into its part of the woods (within 40 meters unless the player is very sneaky). The creature should keep moving, remaining well hidden in the treeline and only move from one large patch of forest to the other (or could approach farms) and cross fields at night -just so players can't track it down if they get killed by it. It could be something like a scary mutated zombie or a sascquach monster; however placing a 'Ski Free'-like (super fast) yeti in the game is fun idea I've been entertaining lately (if so, make sure it rubs its belly and jumps up and down after eating you! : P) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=aACwPlrGIGg#t=9s
  8. Rusty01

    What should our next competition be?

    Scavanger hunt! option #1 Place several non-removable 'notes' around the map (in out-of the way/hard to reach/zombie infested places) that display something like a picture clue, riddle, or bearing that will direct the player to the next clue. The final clue should lead to a cache of certain weapons and/or supplies... there should be several treasure hunts going at the same time since its such a huge map.. Option #2 Create some simple, yet wacky sculptures (large to small) and hide them in several locations. Players should take screen-shots of them upon discovery, making sure to display their username inscreen (maybe their character in front of it) and disclose their grid location to the site judges only. An X amount of discoveries would lead to a prize appropriate to the difficulty/amount of these sculptures found....