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Everything posted by Harribert

  1. Harribert

    More than one character

    Hey Guys, first post - so please dont tear me into peaces :) I just had the same idea with my friend and so i went here and found this topic. We just came to the point that if you have multiple friends to play Dayz with, but some of them dont play with each other, you get the problem to decide with whom you want to play. And as it comes both groups play on the other end of the map, so running over is kinda stupid. My suggestion is a second character, just to start over new with your "other" friends. And to prevent loot piles one could make some kind of serverlock for the second character on which the first character was last logged in. Best would be a serverlock until the server restarts, so no gear switching between character is possible. I see that multiple characters could lead to players getting them self advantages, but I think there can be a way to prevent this. And i would really like the option to start the game once more a second character.