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About napalmx9

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. My Friend wants a gaming PC that can run Day Z as well as other FPS's efficiently, he says he will pay about $250 - 300. Any recommendations? I will help him build it as I have built my own gaming PC before. I think he would like to get a barebones kit instead of buying everything seperatly, although he can still buy other things outside the kit if need be.
  2. 11:17est Friday the 3rd me and a friend were inside a barn waiting for another friend to get him a blood transfusion, than the building exploded on us i talked in side chat and some other guy said they all blew up as well server is CA 11. This reely sucks my friend had an M107 and never got to use it.
  3. napalmx9

    Welcome to Thunderdome?

    This happened to my friend not too long a go on US 819 he was driving a car and than he spawned in a place with 40ft high walls of sand bags, he disconnected and went onto a another server, he still had all his things but spanned at NW airfield, also today when i was alt tabbed out i was spawned a t NWAF but still had all my stuff i did not see any messages because i was gone but i disconnected, when i reconnected i still had all my stuff this was one US189.
  4. This just happened i was playing on US189 around 8:50est Saturday July 28th 2012, I was in a town a little bit (about a 3 minute sprint) away from NW i was laying in a patch of trees and decided to alt tab out and check a map to where to go i was out for about 5 mins and when i come back i am still laying down but in a completely different location and some guy is shooting who i can only assume is everyone who was not lucky enough to disconnect the server i was lucky as i was laying on the ground and was not this guys first target, i was also lucky enough to come back when it happened and not too late where my screen would say "You are dead" and i would just thing a zombie or some guy spotted me and took me out and i could not have any evidence to help get this guy banned. I have here a screen shot of a couple seconds after i left the server also showing the background and a few people in the server, i also saw for a brief moment on the server leader board as i disconnected one more player named "matt" now im not accusing him as it was just one name i remember from the leader board which i do not know if they have to be on the server to be on it or not. I have this picture here i am the only alive and laying down on the ground, and i remember the guy shooting a silenced weapon so it is probably the guy with the M4 CC0 SD, the guy in the middle or perhaps someone behind me or out of view as the guy with the M4 CCO SD and camo is being shot at. I have not yet rejoined a game or even this server as i would like to wait until the guys banned but i may try on a different server and see where i am located at as it seems it is NW than reconnect to US189 to check for bodys and study body to see who is dead and innocent. Please guys help me get this guy banned.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VZz1ES4cjs good enough proof
  6. When: around July 23 11:20 EST What: Went to fire house in Cherno when 2 friends i went up to tower and was shot my other 2 friends looked around for the killer, the building exploded killing one of my friends my other friend died from shooting and killed someone he than re spawned and ran to the town killed one and than checked his body which had AS-50, NVGs, rangefinders and a whole suite of things probably hacked and while searching his body and was killed by another member. I re spawned near cherno and ran to the town and recorded gameplay Exhibit A : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VZz1ES4cjs in which i went to the building and checked my friends body while the cheaters shot at me and mimicked me. Who: Nxs clan specificlly, nxs-dream, nxs-killa, and nxs-zft. I have a screenshot of them in the server list Exhibit B:http://i.imgur.com/KP9iH.jpg?1 Proof: see Exhibit A and Exhibit B And Exhibit C I really want to see these guys banned and have 2 friends to vouch for this. The server was US 45. Furthermore i have Exhibet C: this is footage of nxs-killa with obviously hacked weapons and ghillie suit.
  7. napalmx9

    Low FPS

    Hi Ive been getting very low FPS while playing DayZ compared to the base game, i only get about 20 FPS and it only differs by 5 FPS from very low to very high. I get good FPS and graphics out of the base game but just not for this. Also i have used both window mode and full screen. Here are my specs GTS450 AMD Athlon II X3 425 3gb of ram i can play many games near high with good FPS also I have my GPU overclocked using MSI Afterburner. Any tips appreciated.