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About Atmosphere

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Have to restart gaming because the sound stops working, 250 second wait time. Get stuck at a please wait screen and have to change servers because you wont spawn in, 250 second wait time. Game crashes, 250 second wait time. I suggest fixing the games issues before incurring a 250 second time punishment for issues caused by the game. This is probably the 6th or 7th time i've waiting for that spawn time just to come in and have the game crash or get stuck at the please wait screen, then lose all the equipment i had on me and start again as a fresh spawn.
  2. Atmosphere

    Can you treat the axes with a little more respect?

    So, you're telling me you can't run and swing an axe in real life? Are you an uncoordinated kid with down syndrome or...?
  3. Atmosphere

    @ All "Spawn time" Threads

    The problem is implementing the punishments before they fix the issues that will cause them to happen for no good reason. IE: keeping broken legs without fixing lag issues causing broken legs for no reason and so on...
  4. Atmosphere

    @ All "Spawn time" Threads

    Join server, get stuck at "Please wait... " give it about a minute with nothing happening, switch servers get a 250 second timer. WORKS GREAT.