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Everything posted by ruullor

  1. ruullor

    the Map for newbs

    the newbs seem to be having a hard time finding the map so here it is again http://dayzdb.com/map#2.073.114
  2. ruullor

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    hes streaming now, if anybody wants to see
  3. ruullor

    Stuck Help

    yeah sprint and jump at several different walls, make sure you sprint and try diff walls, not just the same wall. It worked for me pretty quick. Lets us know if you get out.
  4. ruullor

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    so you barely know how to play but your going to show people how to play? and your not on when you said you were going to be
  5. ruullor

    Humanitarians: Justice Served

    only thing is there is at least one mute player playing this game, so theres probably more. She posted on here that she gets shot alot because she cant use her mic and uses txt chat to try to communicate with people, so add that to your list of emotions while playing this game
  6. I would think that power plants would go offline within hours of nobody tending to them, let alone they would go offline once they run out of fuel. I cant think of any (nuclear,solar,wind,hydro) that would run for more then a few days with nobody tending them. Or am I just being to anal about the whole zombie apocalypse thing?
  7. ruullor

    the Map for newbs

    thats actually pretty good, never thought of that, except for the kewl spelling of course
  8. ruullor

    Series Debut: The Quest for Princess Kenny

    my IQ just went down 10 points, why did I click this
  9. like I said that comp is quite a bit better then mine, I could try streaming and see how well I do and let you know I run Dayz just fine and I dont have to use min vid settings what are you going to stream on?
  10. my comp is not as good as that and I run DayZ just fine
  11. ruullor

    Identifying Players

    you have to ask them, just like in real life, although they might kill you first
  12. ruullor

    Scarecrows in Chernarus poop

    me thinks that was done on purpose.
  13. ruullor

    dayz vids

    just below THIS forum room name there is this text DayZ Standalone media and there is a whole section of forums below this area with the tag MOD not tryin to flame just stating facts
  14. ruullor

    dayz vids

    why is a mod vid on the SA forum? that being said since I never played the mod I can see that the SA is a much better game
  15. ruullor

    i lost it

    every time you log out your doing so to avoid combat, someone might have been stalking you for 30 mins then you log out does he call you a combat logger? I dont log out during combat but I log out to avoid someone shooting me when I go afk isnt that combat logging too? I consider combat logging when you know somebodies after you and you log out. If you dont know somebodies after you its not combat logging.
  16. ruullor

    Mods help?

    this forum isnt for the mod, this is for the stand alone version
  17. ruullor

    Experimental: new town in NW, past airfield

    was there loot in it? if so what did you find?
  18. ruullor

    the Map for newbs

    3100 posts, this must be a joke
  19. ruullor

    Death By Shovel!

    not sure what the purpose of this vid is. demonstrating basic game play I guess?
  20. probably switch from a regular server to hardcore, they have seperate charectors
  21. ruullor

    My First DayZ Video

    chanarus medical attention, funny stuff
  22. ruullor

    Stuck in a wall

    sprint to the wall and jump, it worked for me
  23. ruullor

    [video] How To Pick Berries

    I've been wondering how to find them, thx for that
  24. I met a guy in dayz about 2 weeks ago, and he uses TS to chat with his friends. So I had been talking to them since then but they were always on the coast, where as I was always in the middle of the map staying as safe as I could. One day I login and I'm a bambi so I figure oh well I'll go hookup with my friends get geared up again. So I head over to electro to meet them. I found a pipe wrench on the way and drink some water. Get some rags ready. So we meet up in electro theres 3 guys there and we're waitng for another guy to show up. 1 guy gives me beans,and then I have to take a leak. No problem they can watch me and we're just waiting anyway. So I come back and my charactor is hand cuffed. Haha funny guys I say,okay uncuff me. Then a bag goes on my head. Oh come on seriously? Then bang I'm dead. I'm basicly a bambi so I dont realy care. But I want to know why he shot me, you know get a oh we're just messin around or something. But nothing they just kept moving to a different TS channel. So you just never know I guess
  25. ruullor

    cant even trust friends sometimes

    yeah sure but you laugh about it and say come back and get your stuff. these guys never laughed never said come back, just ignored me