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Everything posted by ruullor

  1. ruullor

    Talk Radio: Caller Confessions - DayZ (NSFW!)

    you know it,Ive played with you before. I cant get in the medics, I guess they dont like people that drink?
  2. ruullor

    Talk Radio: Caller Confessions - DayZ (NSFW!)

    Dude I thought that was our private covo man. That was like at 2 am. I was gettin ready to log off and they start asking me these weird ass questions and I was like wtf, so I start poppin out these crazy answers for them. I was like what the hell might as well have fun.
  3. ruullor

    I want to like the SA

    I never see hackers, sorry for your troubles. I only see vids of hackers or stories of hackers, I guess your just unlucky
  4. ruullor

    Some question before buy

    I've played with nearly 100 people for different lengths of time and none of them ever got banned for a false positive. Also none of them were hackers. As far as Razer game booster I've never heard of it, I would like to see some comments on that
  5. I think your worthless in meeting peeps in a game
  6. kos much? yeah your play style is your own, I think I could meet peeps better then you
  7. ruullor

    V3s question

    So if you find a V3s if you drive it somewhere and log off. When you log back in will it still be there? Before the server resets of course. And second ? can you take it to another server of the same type just like your gear?
  8. ruullor

    V3s question

    I was just wondering if there was a way to get more then 3 into a server, every other piece of gear is "yours" so why wouldnt a vehicle be "yours"?
  9. ruullor

    V3s question

    the server probly reset is my guess, or maybe someone else found it
  10. ruullor

    V3s question

    so they are not yours, like your gear, thats a bummer
  11. Oh that was wild, I got to watch that again. that was creepy, never seen anything like that before
  12. I fixed it, I had to close my menu bar on the bottom and then the yes button was accesable
  13. I'm having the same problem
  14. ruullor

    Welcome to DayZ

    they are still only on exp. but they are everywhere on there, well not everywhere. its only that one vehicle and you basicly cant break them oh and they fall through the terrian now and then killing you
  15. everytime I start Dayz my vid settings are changed, I have to go and turn off Vsync and a few other things. anyone else have this prob
  16. Yes I shut it down normaly. I just logged in to double check and they were all reset to the unwanted position. I reset them to the prefered settings logged out normaly loged right back in and walla back to the unwanted settings
  17. ruullor

    Unable to use water pumps?

    I heard they dont work at all, its a bug
  18. ruullor

    Chambered .22 zed chase

    man after the first 5 shots or so I thought you were gunna get killed by them
  19. ruullor

    Shootout with MEAT MAN!

    we dont get the ending?
  20. ruullor

    helo bye

    Oh wait you were getting warnings through the whole thing about group chat, not sure why or how you would stop it, or what you were doing to cause it. But I use a mic so.
  21. ruullor

    helo bye

    this is all I found during a internet search not sure if it helps not sure if I should have put the link so I removed it
  22. ruullor

    DayZ causes heart attack

    Yeah he was breathin HARD. lol. Good one
  23. Yes some weapons are better then others and hitting them is tough sometimes. But I have not had a problem with zombies going through walls.
  24. And is duping confirmed gone?
  25. ruullor

    So are the hacked M4's back?

    Just because they say they fixed something doesnt meen they did, people have ways to find ways around that. I was just starting a thread to see if anyone has seen if it was truly fixed. Hopefuly it is. I guess you can lock this one too and we will just have to wait in the coming DayZ how it works out. (see what I did there) Hopefuly its all good now