I have recently dabbled into Day Z but am about to give up as the game has shit me beyond belief with this. I had died in a previous life and my new character, whenever she moves forward, will dive into prone. no matter what i do in the bindings - reset them all to default she continues to just assume a prone possition and slow crawl when i dirrect her to move forward, back left or right. this is so god damn slow and i cant even loot buildings with shelves because she wont stand. Even when i press C to stand, will instantly hit the ground again when i move. Tried new servers, restarting etc. nothing seems to work and i cant find any other topics with someone else experiencing the same problem. If anyone knows how to fix this or somewhere that someone else has fixed it - i would be very grateful for the help because the game looks like fun, but crawling everywhere is terrible. Thanks for your time :)