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About lokix1x

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. lokix1x

    rockets vision

    Stand up and use. Apparently binos are bugged crouch and prone.
  2. lokix1x

    Combat logging still possible?

    Cheers for clearing this up. Wasn't more than 30 secs, i literally ran out the door and to the left, loaded two shots and ran back in. He must have ran out right behind me and i didn't see him, very lucky boy.
  3. Been out the loop recently with our newborn and just wanted clarification on where we are at with combat logging. Been keeping up with the patch notes i know a spawn timer has been implemented but not to sure on a log out timer where your character stays in game for a set time. Thought it had been but popped ingame a few days ago and went to the new coast town, walked into the piano house with my B92 (one shot loaded instead of two :( met a player, he shot and missed, i shot and hit him and he bled, went to shoot again and got dead mans click, ran out the same way i came in, reloaded, went back in to finish him off and he was gone. All doors were shut and he wasn't upstairs. Can you still combat log? Or did i just completely miss him running out behind we when I ran out to reload? First Person Server BTW.