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Everything posted by Chevelle

  1. Chevelle

    Its Hard Driving In Dayz!

    By the way we did end up making it to berezino 2 houra later lol.
  2. Chevelle

    Its Hard Driving In Dayz!

    Yeah we usually try to keep a spare tire in the car as well as a tire repair kit but sometimes your just out of luck. It was a fun adventure even if he wreaked the car. The funny part is we were supposed to go to berezino but ended up in elektro.
  3. Chevelle

    Its Hard Driving In Dayz!

    I wasn't driving in this video but nice information anyway. My buddy refused to let me drive and then wreaked the vehicle.
  4. Chevelle

    Looking for a clan / group !

    Thefirstcav.com the oldest and largest Dayz clan (we started in the mod and still play the mod). Plus we are a friendly hero clan. We have a Teamspeak and Dayz server. If interested please fill out an application and jump on our Teamspeak server the info is in the comm center tab. Even if u don't wanna join u can still get on our Teamspeak and play with us as long as Ur friendly plus there's always people on. Hope to see u soon.