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Everything posted by automatic9

  1. automatic9

    AKM has been added?

    UK exps on for moment, could go off soon. I encourage you to get on and try to find an AK, I had no such luck :(
  2. automatic9

    No Attachments for Attachments [Torchia Tweet]

    Is putting batteries into rd sights not "Attachmentception"?
  3. automatic9

    Witnessed an epic showdown at NEAF

    Your lucky surviving that lol
  4. automatic9

    Player Controlled Currency System?

    I would only pick them up if I was with a community that used them, otherwise it would be worthless to others and take up space. If others were trading, however, I would love to use them ATM my clan just gives each other what they can spare, and picks stuff up for each other. with this system, we don't need currency. And when we do trade with other clans, we usually use food and ammo/mags, and guns in larger transactions. When base building is implemented and we settle down, however, we are looking into a uniform currency system for sure, and the giving will stop.
  5. automatic9

    Soviet tank summer helmet.

  6. automatic9

    If my Wife played DayZ...........

    I LOLed pretty hard after seeing this, thanks!
  7. automatic9

    A centralised list of SA Groups/Clans?

    I'm all for it, this would be great! Declare alliances and wars, and just see who else is out there.
  8. automatic9

    Three words. Land. Mine.

    I don't see why not, if they are rare
  9. automatic9

    CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A1

    If it and it's mags are rare, sure why not? As someone else said, it can be a replacement for the MP5.
  10. automatic9

    Medic Helmet and other forms of visual ID

    You, sir, have my beans. I have always wanted these things, especially the medic and UN clothing, but I agree with all your suggestions