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Everything posted by NanoAnarchy

  1. Ermm I had an issue exactly like this, so a quick question. How long did it take you to get back to your body? The time I had it happened took me roughly 8 minutes (Might of been more or less, but since then I've done a timed run from spawn to the location), and whilst I was able to see my body I couldn't loot it. My nephew however, who had stayed to make sure no one looted it in the mean time, watched it de-spawn. Now I dunno if it's lag, de-synch or whatever, but it could of been an issue like this.
  2. Now before the flaming starts let me make a few points. First of all, searched and found nothing like what I'm about to say. Secondly, I do NOT support combat logging, in fact it really annoys me most of the time, apart from what I'm about to mention. So please, read before posting. Now, like I said, I hate those who combat log, especially if they are the one who have initiated the fire fight. A few times this has happened to me, someone has opened fire, realised they were either vulnerable, under geared compared to me or various other reason. When someone combat logs like this, I hate it, generally due to the cowardice it takes for such an action. I was raised to finish what I started, in real life or in games, so I do this as much as I can. However, recently I've come across a few who have combat logged which personally for me was a positive even. Yesterday I was somewhere between Kam and Sol (or those unsure where these are they are located between Elektro and Berenzo) waiing for my nephew to get there, ( He had died through a glitch and this was the nearest location for us to meet up.) Well I was set up in the tree line, watching the road for my nephew, and also for trouble. A few other new spawns ran past, and those I was quick enough to get their attention I sent on their way with some food and drink as I had more than enough on me. ( We had been planning to explore the map so had stocked up well). Now whilst waiting a bandit came along ( Literally ran up and shot a new spawn, luckily I had been slower than usual in getting their attention). I took the shot and missed, moving forwards as they ran into the closest house. Now whilst I kept all possible ways they could leave covered ( As in I'd of seen them move out) I checked the new spawn (Dead) and entered the house, drawing my sawn off, only to find all other entrances shut, and no one inside. This happened a few times whilst I was in the area. Now onto the main point. These cowards ho log when someone gets the drop on them like I did do in a way perform us a service. We save ammo from a prolonged firefight for starters. It also free's up room on the server for better players. Finally, it also gives us (At least in my situation as described) Some way to rid ourselves of boredom whilst waiting around, even though we do not get the satisfaction of finishing them off. So I'd lke to see what others think, and if anyone else has had similar thoughts to me.
  3. NanoAnarchy

    Positive side to combat logging.

    You sir have my beans! This made ma laugh and was far from the furthest thing I expected as a response XD I know we could walk away, but that wasn't my point. My point was is there a positive side to combat logging such as saving ammo etc etc. I'm sorry if I misunderstood what you mean by your post, but it's hard to gleam much from a single line answer without an explanation. So like I said, sorry if I mistook what you said, but please elaborate a bit more.
  4. NanoAnarchy

    How many have you killed and why ?

    At 83 hours of play I've killed 6 possibly 7 players. Only reason I know this is because each instance has been interesting. The first was a bambi who ran at me out of the blue, I had my fire axe out. He started punching so I swung and down he went. The second was at NEAF, heading towards the hangar (Had been checking the area frequently) when suddenly someone unloads a clip of M4 ammo at me. I run into the hang and right into the closest corner as I went in, swapped from my mosin to FNX and wait. He runs in without checking and I unload into him. Probably wasted most of the shots but hey, I survived. The next 3 made me laugh, group of 3 guys in Elektro killing people. Got the drop on the first by accident, axed him and grabbed his gun. Whilst moving from the building his mate runs in, get's gunned down by instinct (Only know they were together cus of global). The third I spotted running towards where I had just keft, and they open up at me. I fire back but I'm down before I can guarantee the kill, though I'm sure I saw him drop. (This is the possible 7th). The last two I remember cus it pissed me off. I came across 2 new spawns on the coast (I'd been heading up to Berenzo and planned on going Svet afterward) and was sticking to the tree line. Well I see 2 guys working together, watch them for a few minutes and decide, ok let's be a nice guy. I call out in global for them not panic, I'm friendly and I drop some food and drink for them, even though they didn't answer. I watch as they eat and drink, and when they are done, I leave them to it. Next thing I know, they both start swinging for me, so I drop them with my sawn off. But yeah, those are my account's, and are also hy I'm so close to being someone who doesn't help anyone unless I know them now.
  5. NanoAnarchy

    ( Not a tutorial)How to get easy long range scope?

    Man I love Garages! So many people see them and ignore them because the door graphics look like so many doors that won't open XD But yeah, finding and LRS ain't too much of a problem. Finding a pristine one however? That's usually a different story.
  6. NanoAnarchy

    Can You Help Me Get Some Gas?

    Genius XD Reminds me of the game me and my nephew now play, which is whenever we come across a gas station we have to take it in turns to run up, 1 at a time, and punch each metre!
  7. NanoAnarchy

    DayZ birthday idea

    You sir, have my beans! First of all you see the humour in this, second of all your willing to accept what may happen! I should state however if you do die it won't be by my hands. If I happen to make it to this event, I will most likely be over looking it from a nearby point, probably mosin and lrs, with my gaming companion/nephew on lookout for me!
  8. NanoAnarchy

    Revenge of the freshspawn

    Haha this made me laugh. Just a suggestion though, you should of gone looney tunes with the captions, I.E "Evilus Banditus" then one over yourself saying " Newus Spawnus" Just a suggestion if ya wanna re-edit though. brilliant though, sir/ma'am you have my beans!
  9. NanoAnarchy

    DayZ birthday idea

    I know people are going to hate this, but the image it caused in my head made me laugh. Just imagine it, everyone stood round, all you can hear is "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear BANG!" followed by the words "You Are Dead" made me laugh.
  10. NanoAnarchy

    Once upon a time in Balota, a medic was born...

    Haha no, but recently I've been playing with my nephew who has just got the game. Well every time he starts to piss me off, or starts to play weird, or hell just cus I'm bored I've developed a bad habit of shooting his character in the leg. And basically, I got sick of searching for sticks or morphine, or having to run back to the coast. Plus with the glitches that still happen at times, it pays to be prepared!
  11. NanoAnarchy

    Once upon a time in Balota, a medic was born...

    Haha is this the only place you have done this? Cus I was in NWAF yesterday (I think it was yesterday) And every building apart form the hangars was full of splints. I'm talking in the real world you wouldn't be able to enter the building because of the volume. Was usefull though, snagged a few for my journey!
  12. NanoAnarchy

    your first interaction with another player

    My first real player interaction was kinda funny. (I say real as any others I had before this were more or less being sniped). Anyways, I was in Elektro looking for gear, and I opened the back door of a house to leave it. Suddenly I hear gunshots suddenly so I drop prone, and see 2 fully armed players in the yard. Now both are looking away, so I get up and I'm about to run for it when one turns towards me, and suddenly fires. I don't get hit and decide to rush forwards with my axe, deciding that I'm taking at least one of them with me. Well, suddenly I hear them shouting to chill out, and that they were dealing with zombies, one had been behind me. Stopping, I give the benfit of the doubt and check, only to find a zombie on the floor, and another glitching through the wall. Turns out the noise had bugged so I hadn't heard them, and the guy had saved me. What made this more memorable is they directed me to where they had been ditching supplies from around the city, told me to help myself and wished me good luck. Finding the gear, I equipped myself with enough to get myself somewhere to gear upmore, leavibg them with plenty. On the way out of the city however, I heard what sounded like a firefight, I just hope they made it out ok.
  13. Fair enough, just sounded really familiar because whoever shot me downed me, and then fired a few more shots missing, before finally walking upto me, going prone, and shooting me in the face
  14. NanoAnarchy

    If you combat log don't play, quit.

    Ermmm I may of missed this, so I apologise if I have, but for all of you defending the "combat logger" or whatever you want to call him, and say that he is playing the game his own way, you may want to reread the original post. If you look, OP was only there originally tracking down the guy who had killed his friend. So no doubt, he had gotten the drop on him or something, and feel good about it. However, when the tables are turned on him, he runs off basically? How can you justify this behaviour then, in which it is ok for him to kill another player, but the moment he may be killed "poof" he disappears? It seems a bit hypocritical if you ask me. Now I may get flamed for this, and feel free to, honestly everyone has their own opinion, and I don't agree with combat logging, especially in a situation like this where the player caused it. Now on a side note, how come I never get situations like this lol? Most of the time I get killed by a player all I hear is mosin shot followed by the words "You are dead" I'd love a chance to fight back, or get held up, anything for some actual human interaction rather than running off or sniping me.
  15. NanoAnarchy

    I want rifle maintance because.....

    I love this idea as well! being from the U.K I can't claim to have any experience with guns, so maintaining a weapon is something I am not familiar with, but like all complicated equipment, maintenance is required! You wouldn't run your car into the ground now would you? Ignore those ho say that this shouldn't be in the game, they obviously have no experience, or even knowledge of firearms. You will probably find all those who ague against this are the KoS kiddies (Not aimed at all you who KoS but you know the type I mean), who suddenly won't know how to play the game with the risk their precious weapons could blow up resulting in them being killed.
  16. Was the person you were shooting in Berenzo by any chance? Or the outskirts at least? If so thanks! I was actually killing off the character to start a new spawn with a friend, and you saved me the journey to the nearest roof!
  17. NanoAnarchy

    Why should street lights work?

    Slightly unrelated, but related at the same time. This is why they still work! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/178183-dayz-psychopaths-the-electrician/
  18. NanoAnarchy

    When Base Building Is Introduced, What Will You Build?

    I'm gunna have to go with a boxing arena! (I'd say fight club but we all know the first rule =P Plus you can only punch!) I'll take bets of ammo, food and meds! Winner of the fights will get a percentage of takings! Also special events! Such as last man standing! Man V Horde! Come one and come all to the number 2 attraction in Chernarus! (I'd say HazZarD87's house of fun would be the number 1)
  19. NanoAnarchy

    Laughing at KOS failures.

    Let me just say, this is not a whine about KoS, but rather I'm hoping somewhere that people can laugh at those failed attempts at KoS, or when someone tries it on them. I'll start with my story. (Should state I am a friendly player, Generally I only atack if attacked first, and if I see someone well geared, and I'm not seen, I generally stay out of the way, maybe observe, if I'm not spotted) I play this game mainly with my nephew now (He's 18) and we had managed to get fairly geared up. I had a Mosin with LRS (Worn) and a pristine compensator (Does this thing actually do anything btw? First time I've managed to find a useable LRS) alongside an FNX, fire axe, water bottle etc etc (Ya know what I mean, my nephew was equally geared), and we were looting Svet before continuing our journey back down south to help or maim Bambi's ( It depended on how they reacted). Well I managed to glitch through a wall and fell to my death. Anyways, My nephew grabbed what he could for me, holding my rifle in his hands to save it whilst I ran up to meet him. Now after meeting, due to the server being a high population, I switched to a fairly empty one just to replace the gear I had lost. (Might sound like it was taking advantage etc etc, but we wanted to continue our plan soon as possible. And by low pop I mean like 5/40) Anyways, my nephew stayed on that server whilst I swapped, and I head out to NEAF. Now, I scope the place through my rifle and see nothing, so I move in. Loot the tower and building next to it, getting a tact vest, some new trousers, tact shirt and a bag. Moving onto the first hangar, I still see no one. Now, as I get towards the top heading for the entrance, a guy from the back begins opening fire on me with an M4. First shot hits, but I'm alright (was energised, hydrated and healthy) So I sprint forwards, hitting the entrance and running to the side, drawing my pistol covering the entrance. During this time I hear him let rip, roughly 39-59 shot (Judging on time I hear gun shots, not actual shots I could count, all I hear is continuous fire) Taking a quick moment, I check to see if I'm bleeding and nothing, just lost my healthy status and sown a level on energised. A few moments later, the guy runs in, not checking the sides until he's around 15 foot in. Here I'd like to say I was all calm and collected, hitting him with a classic 2 to the chest 1 to the head, but I unloaded all 15 shots and watched him drop. At this time, I hear him whining " Why you shooting me, why you killing me?" All that business, to which I answer "You tried it first." His response? " yeah but you killed me!" (was around here I realised this was probably some one barely in puberty). Anyways, checked the body, nothing useful, and went back to the other server now I was ready to continue after replacing what I needed. So does anyone else have stories like this? Or maybe they went to KoS and failed in such a way that it's funny? I just thought this could be a laugh after all the whines about KoS and what not.
  20. NanoAnarchy

    Laughing at KOS failures.

    I understand what you mean, and yes I was taking advantage in some ways. However, My nephew doesn't have a lot of time to play either, and we both found we enjoy playing together rather than solo, it's the main reason I did it this way. Mainly because tryng to re-gear on a high population server could set us back weeks, if not months, of being able to play together again properly. (I know he could of covered and made up for my shortcomings till I was geared, but he is really new to the game, 10 hours compared to my 70 odd now) But please post again, I have a feeling you have some interesting stories you could share =) I'm sorry if this sounds obnoxious or anything like that, but you are the sort of person in many ways I hoped would post. You question part of my actions (Which is understandable) but are also able to see the funny side, and also karma of my actions =) (Which should also be noted that shortly before dying in my first post, I accidentally broke my nephews character's leg through desynch whilst playing around) Also, have some beans! You my good sir, deserve my beans! You may have died, but you reigned your judgement upon him and even though it took your life, you will always remember moments like this!
  21. I can't say when or even if this will be fixed, but I personally hope it will be. Mostly for the sadistic side of me. I'm not one of these who goes killing bambi's without reason, and after spawning until recently I don't go back to the coast (My nephew started recently, and we decided to gear up and head back to help new spawns, maybe maim them if they are hostile to us). However the idea of slowly rounding up, leading and eventually trapping zombies in a building (Especially around spawn points) entertains me. I generally wish I could of had the experience of opening a door only to be confronted by a horde of zombies, and trying to escape or kill them off. So hopefully this feature will be implemented eventually, but it will take time. I'm sure the developers are more focussed right now though on issues such as loot respawns, and better zombie A.I alongside their numbers.
  22. I'm surprised no one has already said this, but the only stealth kills on groups we will ever have is from long range weapons. Reason for this is simple. Say you hunting down a group of players, generally they will be using skype/Ts etc etc. So how do you plan to kill someone silently and in stealth like that? After all they will be screaming over what ever they are that they are dying/ are dead. Sorry but this won't happen. On a side note, I do think hand weapons need to be improved however. Come one after all, it's possible to KO a player in one punch, but a pristine machete to an un-armoured head does nothing?
  23. NanoAnarchy

    Forced headbob for the sake of realism?

    Personally this is a conflicted issue for me. I get people with lower rigs need to be able to turn it down, but what stops those with higher rigs doing the same? It all comes down to an aspect of fairness. In a perfect game, it would adjust to your spec to make the game fair, but as it stands that's not possible. So personally I say no, it should be a set value, at least at the moment, mainly to stop those who just want to kill every other player having an advantage over those trying to play the game. Though personally I think they need to reduce the headbob on the crawl motion, even on normal settings it's crazy!
  24. I agree with this actually, how the hell do people expect to be able to do certain things with a broken leg? Though I have to admit, climbing a ladder is possible still. Let broken leg hang, use good leg for support, and use arms to drag your sorry ass up, one at a time. When I say sorry ass btw, I don't mean you, I mean anyone in general, including myself. (Had to use ladders for suicide a couple of times when stuck in the middle of no where, with no help)
  25. NanoAnarchy

    New Town? NW

    I actually hope this happens now, simply because you, good sir/ma'am, made me laugh! Take my beans as a reward!