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About stig.bjerke@live.no

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. stig.bjerke@live.no

    Starting to Doubt the Realism...

    Another rumor says that saying "It's an Alpha, deal with it" is the dumbest thing to say in an Alpha, instead of discussing bugs, features and balances. Which yet another rumor tells me that helps the game progress to a better and more balanced game regardless of stage in development.
  2. stig.bjerke@live.no

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    To be fair, the fan base of this mod isn't know for being exactly friendly and mature. You can't even report a bug or make a troubleshoot thread without some 500+ posts member telling you to leave the game and/or calling you an idiot. (Not a lot of personal experience with my own threads on that issue. But I've seen countless other being exposed to that kind of behavior)
  3. stig.bjerke@live.no

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    A realism mod needs to make it as real as possible' date=' and you can't magically chat with people 20km away in a zombie apocalypse. If at all, make it so you need radios with batteries, which both spawn extremly rare. I think we will see something like this later on. But for now its side chat off, if you want to chat go on steam or xfire to chat ingame or just hook up on ts, no need for 40+ people to read all that. [/quote'] Yeah, realism, because batteries are so hard to find. Besides, cellphone network and the internet should still be up and running as these zombies are "infected. Not to mention CB radio. But don't get me wrong, I think it's good that the side chat is turend off. There's no power. Cellphone towers need power. So do computers. Then what about a sattelite phone that uses 9v batteries? Surley this virus spread didn't knock the sattelites out of the sky. But to be fair, it somehow killed automatic power plants so that might also be the case. Yes they run automaticly 24/7, the people who work there are just monitoring it for the most part. And it would continue to run during a virus outbreak, unless someone turned it off, which might have been the case. Well, I guess the realism with running forever and getting punched trough walls is so flawless that we cannot get a few walkie talkies.
  4. stig.bjerke@live.no

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    A realism mod needs to make it as real as possible' date=' and you can't magically chat with people 20km away in a zombie apocalypse. If at all, make it so you need radios with batteries, which both spawn extremly rare. I think we will see something like this later on. But for now its side chat off, if you want to chat go on steam or xfire to chat ingame or just hook up on ts, no need for 40+ people to read all that. [/quote'] Yeah, realism, because batteries are so hard to find. Besides, cellphone network and the internet should still be up and running as these zombies are "infected. Not to mention CB radio. But don't get me wrong, I think it's good that the side chat is turend off.
  5. stig.bjerke@live.no

    The tale of my tragic death.

    I won't really stop, never said that either. I'm gonna stay away until the next patch probably and check back then. Today was my first time playing since the hotfix was released.
  6. stig.bjerke@live.no

    The tale of my tragic death.

  7. stig.bjerke@live.no

    Different Skin

    I think the thrench coat should come with the option to flash your "gear" as well.
  8. stig.bjerke@live.no

    The tale of my tragic death.

    That's what I was thinking. No' date=' actually, what I was [i']really thinking was, "why do people always seem to whine 'I quit!' and then post about how they're quitting the game?" And then I thought, "why the hell do I care?" And then, "why am I even wasting my time in responding?" Finally, I thought, "Yeah, I'm as big an idiot as the OP!" and then I bailed on your whiny whinefest. Did I really make a thread about how "I'm quiting the game"? No I did not. I had a comment that I was gonna wait until they fix the zeds. That's it, the rest was the story of what happened. I'm an idiot? Well you can't read.
  9. stig.bjerke@live.no

    Seattle servers aren't really Seattle servers?

    Some servers have different time settings. And the difference between night and day during summer and winter isn't accounted for in the game I believe. We have 5 hours or less of night in the summer and the opposite in the winter here in Norway. Still only 12 hour days and nights in the game though.
  10. stig.bjerke@live.no

    The tale of my tragic death.

    How cute. Can I get a super-duper ray gun that shoots lasers trough the walls so that I can defend myself?
  11. stig.bjerke@live.no

    The tale of my tragic death.

    So I have this game another shot today. Got an M14 AIM and a G17 when I raided the Stary Sobor military camp. As I was walking back into town I head sound comming from inside the barn, and instead of walking in I snuk up to a window just to see three zombies in there. No big deal I though and just started to walk around. Of course this wasn't that easy, all three zombies came running trough the closed door and forced me to hide in a small storage house/room thing outside of the barn. before I knew it 10-20 zombies came trough the walls and the closed doors hitting me like crazy. Forcing me to shoot up all my G17 ammo and star on the M14 ammo. I was doen to 4000 blood and I had broken bones after I killed the horde of zeds. Nothing major I though as I still had tons of M14 ammo left and I had blood bags, morphine and painkillers. Of course 3 seconds later another 20+ zombies came running and hitting me trough the walls. And as expected, they slaughtered me. That's it, I'm done with this game until they fix the stupid overpowered zombies that see, attack and walk trough walls and doors. (Unless I get a group of friends to derp around with over Skype) This was also with the latest Arma II beta patch, and the DayZ build.
  12. stig.bjerke@live.no

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    His name was Bob' date=' he died because you riddled him with bullets. You b*st*rd Police Version: His name was John, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the back 16 times. :P [/quote'] Lol!! what is the usefulness of this feature? Knowing the reason for death? Know if you've killed a zombie or a player? It should be clear the difference between a corpse devoured by zombies one shot by a player. To the naked eye. Without doing an autopsy. Modeling!!! It's just a fun little feature. I rather like the idea of it.
  13. stig.bjerke@live.no

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    That would also be true. But now the zombies are like the Dead Snow zombies, way to fucking smart.
  14. stig.bjerke@live.no

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Telling me that in the year 2012. Computers with 4 processors. GPU 2GB of ram. Internet connections optical fiber 100 megs. It is impossible to create this? I do not think so. So ... DayZ must be a realistic zombie game' date=' where in a village of 1000 inhabitants there are only 50 zombies? [/quote'] Have you played the game? When 5 zombies run about, your FPS drops dramaticly.