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Everything posted by Poggle

  1. Poggle

    Horse in game

    I can't find any topics on this forum about the freakin picture of a horse in game that dayz standalone put on their Facebook page yesterday. Has no one heard anything about this????
  2. Poggle

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Repost to media section
  3. Poggle

    DayZ Stable 0.47 Full Showcase!

    Good stuff man! So does that mean the tents disappear at restart if persistence is disabled?
  4. Poggle

    Gas Stations

    So it dawned on me the other day that gas stations will probably become pvp zones once vehicles are implemented as I assume they will be the main source of fuel. Does it worry anyone else that all the clans and groups with vehicles will be driving to roads infested with new spawns to fuel up? There seem to be a lot of gas stations on the east coast... If not most of the gas stations. It Kindof goes against all of the emphasis they've been putting on all the loot spawning in the west
  5. At the moment there doesn't seem to be a downside to ruined clothing other than slightly less protection. I was thinking that ruined backpacks and things could "leak" items out of holes created by bullets. Any ideas?
  6. Poggle

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Also the graphics settings have very little impact on framerate when you're CPU limited, because draw distances need to be universal for the most part to be fair
  7. Poggle

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Your graphics are more than enough , the problem is the CPU. As far as I can tell there is not a CPU in existence that can maintain 60 fps in cities at this point, the game is just not well optimized and isn't multithreaded very well. I for one pretty much guarantee you will not get 60 fps in cities. Don't worry though, client side optomization will come eventually
  8. I would love to do that, and I've rallied ~10 random people at a time in certain servers before and the problem is that it crashes the server. If you get everyone in one place it puts more stress and it can crash the server over and over again
  9. Poggle

    Location is unkown.... Need Evac A.S.A.P

    I feel that it's very strange that people get lost so incredibly close to all the spawn points, have you ever taken the trip from balota to NW airfield? Or svelto to NW? There are mile long stretches with no distinguishing features really, THAT would get you lost.
  10. Poggle

    Make hospitals have hospital related loot.

    The ridiculous thing is the insane amount of fruit in the hospitals EVERY TIME . It makes no sense, hospitals have sterile packaged food.
  11. Poggle

    Actual Super Market

    Would anyone else be interested in one of those northern development areas become a mall? Or a decently sized super market? The markets are nice at the moment but they're more like bodegas. I must admit, I've never been to that part of the world and I've got no idea whether they have things equivalent to costco or Walmart or large malls but I think a huge indoor play space could be really different and really cool. What do you guys think?
  12. Poggle

    Actual Super Market

    I like the idea of a mine a lot too, thanks xpD1. I guess I'm just interested in a large, indoor area. The apartments are cool but much more vertical than spread out so most combat is on the stairs. What about a large civilian airport? Or a sewer system in novo! That would be so cool!
  13. I hit a guy with a hacksaw about 15 times and he was still running, yet two punches is a knockout. I agree, this is a really annoying problem
  14. Poggle

    Screen resolution gone crazy after DAYZ crash

    I've had this twice now and it's really annoying because I don't like the default key bindings and it resets all of the key mapping. Interface fixes the res for me though
  15. Poggle

    45 Tips For 0.45

    Excellent video man, helpful and quite funny!
  16. Poggle

    NEAF in new experimental

    Well we just got these screens, I think it's a freakin great move. Even with the old one, I was seeing a lot more people out in the western wilderness. Spawning near cities that are too big to camp and having all the military stuff out west is a great idea http://imgur.com/a/N0exK
  17. Poggle

    Dramatic Dayz Story

    Hey, I just finished this video after working on it for a few months. I feel like it encapsulates why I like Dayz so much. It's been edited very intensely and I did a lot to make it into a full story as opposed to just a video of gameplay. If you watch it, let me know what you think, thanks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neLFi4Nak-c&feature=youtu.be
  18. Poggle

    Dramatic Dayz Story

    Wow, thanks so much guys! I'm loving all the feedback and I'm glad more people are getting to see it. I really would like to make more videos like this but I like to spend a lot of time on them to make them good so it takes quite a while, I think I started this one in April. But anyway, so glad for the positive reinforcement and I just want to say thanks!
  19. Poggle

    Dramatic Dayz Story

    Thanks for the god comments guys, so appreciated! As mentioned by Tovervlag, the music is all in the credits
  20. Poggle

    Track Suits :D

    http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/scale_small/8/80630/1664127-300px_cod4ultramustache.png I always just think of that dude from cod 4. But no I haven't seen any jackets
  21. Poggle

    Letters from other players

    I would read, I'll try to write letters too whenever I find paper. It'll be better when they make notes persistant
  22. So I did something just now that got me called bandit, I'm curious if you guys agree. My brother and I were kitted out with guns and food so we went to the eastern coast and began collecting fresh spawns to be a part of a merry band. We didn't hurt anyone, we just adopted British accents and asked them to come with us and sing a song about Lord Calagious (me) and take their pants off. We gave them food and water. Everyone traveled in a pack and was allowed to carry their own stuff including weapons. We traveled down south and at that point we had a pack of about 9 people all singing and running without pants. We were KOSed, which wasn't hugely surprising but they guys said "you think youre funny bandit?!" Which I found perplexing. My intention was to give the freshspawns and awesome story. If you saw 2 miliary guys traveling with 7 pantless fresh spawns would you kill them all?
  23. Poggle

    Any Windows 8 users.

    I too have sli gtx 680's and beyond creating a custom profile for dayz, sli works great on windows 8. Windows 8 operates a little more fluidly on the desktop for me and new games are going to start only supporting 8, as well as dx12 being confined to 8 when it releases. All in all, its good, no problems. Not necessary though
  24. Poggle

    Spawning System

    I agree that the current spawns suck. I know that the devs are having some hard times changing the map around but it would be so much better if the spawns were as far as possible from the high loot areas. Having fresh spawns constantly running through the most competitive areas like cherno and electro makes reaching those places less consequential. The coast is good so that new spawns have a sense of navigation but something that I love about dayz is that when you die you lose everything. You should need to spend a long time traveling and finding new gear to finally reach the mose intense zones on the map. Spawning and running for 15 minutes to get to elektro isn't very fun, but spawning and living a full life traveling across the whole map so that when you've gotten there death means something would be awesome.
  25. This is Wood speaking, to Lambsheep and Nana I'd like to say that it was a pleasure working with you and that I recorded our entire adventure and I'll post it on my youtube channel (mrpogglebeast) for you guys if you ever see this post. I had been killed earlier today by a guy I'd met in Balota and spared despite having the drop on him. We talked for a little and he shot me while my back was turned. It just so happened that only a few hours later I had the greatest experience I've had in Dayz so far. On a mission to meet my brother, I met Lambsheep (both of us new spawns). We made peace quickly and moved south from Solichney. We traveled to Elektro and became fast friends, joking about the others we met along the way. In Elektro we met two others, Michael (who was wearing a purple backpack) and a nameless stranger, both of whom helped us by killing the zombies chasing us and providing some clothes. Michael, however turned out to be a little different than we had anticipated when he handcuffed Lambsheep behind the Elektro grocery store. I chased him away and almost killed by another nameless guy who thought I was the one who handcuffed lambsheep. After hearing our story, the guy decided to go after Michael while I guarded lambsheep from the zeds. The guy returned only 2 minutes later chasing a DIFFERENT guy whom he thought was the kidnapper, but our nameless hero was wearing Michael's infamous purple backpack now and after he killed the DIFFERENT guy I killed him, thinking he was Michael. I heard gunshots and quickly stole the SKS off of the body of my innocent victim. Hiding behind a concrete wall and lying to as to look under the crawlspace, I watched Lambsheep to see if anyone was coming for him. A bleeding guy ran into the courtyard and went over the bodies. I yelled out that I could bandage him if he put his hands up. He did so and I bandaged him. Little did I know that he was the DIFFERENT guy and that he had only been knocked out by my poor victim. He did tell me though that his name was Nana. Lambsheep finally broke free and the three of us booked it out of the city. We were able to meet my brother by the Cherno apartments and eat up from the stockpile he had accumulated. We traveled as a team towards Balota, looking for Saline bags to heal Nana's and my axe wounds. We were unable to find any. On our way to Kameka the server restarted and the team disbanded. It was a harrowing experience and an incredible amount of fun. I love this game the hours of pointless starving and running are worth it to get these amazing moments.