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Everything posted by cooMaster

  1. cooMaster

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    where the hell does AKM go?? i could find any today! i am so sad!
  2. Hello, I am pretty good at Urban warfare but often lose in forest. i dont know why. my playstyle is kind of passive. i like to defend a position and wait for my prey instead of engaging after i spot him. i cant remember how many times i died when i was crouching under a needle-leave tree. i didnt even move a finger, but enemies still found me.......i am sure my body was coverd by leaves...... so please give me some advice on how to win more gunfights in forests. thanks.
  3. now i am having a GTX660 and i5 3570K. and i want to change my rendering resolution to 200% which cause my pc a little laggy now and make turning direction several millisecond delay. should i upgrade my Graphic card or CPU? thank you
  4. Is 200% resolution only affects graphic quality and CANT make you see enemies more easily at a very very long range? (My only moniter is benq xl2410) And please tell me which images is better. I can't tell on a cellphone. So now I am considering running 2 gtx 660sli.
  5. Hello i learned the formula: "Height*1000/mile dot=range" from dayz mod tutorial on youtube. but i found its not working anymore in the game. for example: Door is about 2m tall. and it should be 5 mil dots at range of 400 meters according to the formula. However, the door only occupies 4 mildots on my screen, which means it is smaller than it should be to suit the formula. I also adjusted my FOV from 45 to 90 in dayzprofile document. still not works like it does in dayz mod. am i missing somthing? or should i change 1000 in the formula to other value? please help. thank you
  6. cooMaster

    Sniper Ranging and Zeroing formula not working

    you can divide the LRS to 5 equal parts. so five mil dots!