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Everything posted by EnDz

  1. As the title says, I'm looking for the most current map for the SA. I know the maps on iZurvive and dayzdb, but they don't show the newest implemented addons. ie; cities, police stations, etc..
  2. In the 100+ hours playing this game, I've only come across two of these pieces. My question has been answered. Thanks for the posts that weren't trolls.
  3. As the topic says... Messege poped up a few days ago, I half expected my pants to be ruined.
  4. EnDz

    You Shit Your Pants

    Agreed. ...Well maybe not cheap, just boring. Or at least give us the option to change it ourselves. I mean if we're going to pay for it gives us some more options. imo
  5. EnDz

    You Shit Your Pants

    Makes sense now. I've been in the server multiple times before that and never noticed the messeage. I guess that's what caught me off guard, that and it was the same color text in which all other 'in-game' messeages appear.
  6. EnDz

    Anyone have a fix for this? Really annoyed

    I had the same issue a few days back. I was able to fix it by joining a server that was an older version, then rejoin one that is current.
  7. Figure I'd give my 2cents. I recently added a yellow container to my inventory, played a few hours with no problems, logged back in the next day and had the desync issue. I tried everything I could think of ie; restarting router, restarting dayZ, joining different servers, disabling my AV, waiting..., waiting..., and still nothing. After comming on here to find a fix I noticed there were a few people that had the ammo cans and yellow containers that had fixed the issue by throwing them down. So, I gave it a try. First I threw down the ammo can and rejoined server. Still had the same issue. Next I threw down the yellow container and rejoined. EUREKA! Anyways, after trying to deal with desync for an hour then finally dropping the ammo can/yellow container I've been playing non-stop now with zero desync issues. *crosses fingers*
  8. EnDz

    Random You are Dead

    Same thing just happend to me. One of my friends also had this happen to him as well. It is alpha... j/w tho how many other people have had this issue?