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Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

  1. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Airfield Towers.

    Why would somebody hide/leave/store something valuable in an air control tower anyway? Doesn't make much sense to me.
  2. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    I want to see areas where you really get a sense of a story; an event that happened there. A burned out army convoy, traffic jams, barricaded buildings that were eventually overrun, roadblocks and refugee camps, that sort of thing. There's some of this in the current map, but for the most part it just looks like the zombies teleported in suddenly and nothing was really done about it.
  3. And things are, interesting. I admit that I haven't gotten very far off the coast yet today, so my perspective is pretty limited, but there are a few things I think I can comment on. Firstly, the zombies. They're much more interesting now, the way they wander around a bit. This surprised me at first, since I was used to them just hanging out on street corners before. It also seems like it's a bit harder for them to spot you, so it's possible to avoid them. Which I've been inclined to do, because fighting them has proven to be more challenging than before. Are short-handled melee weapons now preferable? Because my experience with long handled weapons now is that if you don't kill with the first hit, they'll continue to push up against you, and make it very difficult to hit again. In any case, I think they're a bit more fun now. On the loot, I'm sure my observations have been skewed because I haven't seen much of the whole map yet, but still. It seems that there's an abundance of low-level melee weapons, which is mostly fine, one expects to find shovels in the shed after all, but at the moment it seems that every resident of Chernarus must have owned multiple sets of brass knuckles. I found food and clothing to be a good deal more rare as well (couldn't seem to find any shirts, plenty of hats though) and water, which became very frustrating, because it seemed that I was unable to drink from the pumps directly (or was I doing something wrong?) and I couldn't seem to find a container. On the whole my performance wasn't drastically improved, but things were a bit more stable. Basically the game ran without giving me any trouble thus far. Overall, I'd say the experience is probably improved from when I last played, although I'll have to adjust to the new mechanics and find a goddamned can of soda someplace. Any flaws with my observations?
  4. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Came back to Chernarus after a long absense

    Huh, I'll have to try them out sometime. I usually just leave them in favor of weapons with a bit more reach.
  5. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Everyone seems to want the game to mimic The Walking Dead.

    To be fair, they are what you'd call a business.
  6. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Came back to Chernarus after a long absense

    What's the best way to kill them now though? Would I be better off with a short-handled type of weapon, or a bayonet or something? I'm finding it tough to use longer weapons (I've tried pickaxe and hoe so far) once they get too close, though I may just have to adjust a bit.
  7. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Your Goals?

    Goals? -Don't starve -Find a cool hat -Creep up on zombies (like a ninja) and execute a stealth take-down -Find someone who doesn't seem like a jerk, use a silly accent -Hide every gun I find out in the woods -Die, respawn, repeat
  8. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Boehmya fix plox

    Simple and effective!
  9. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    9mm, .45 ACP and 7.62x39mm are military... why?

    So basically no differentiation between civilian and military ammo?
  10. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Too many guns or just silly spawning

    Makes sense to me, atm there are too many guns and not enough magazines around, If you have aks on a military base, you ought to have a few magazines around somewhere. Now, I'm not suggesting you should be able to find an assault rifle and 5 magazines lying next to each other, but there should be a few mags on the base, maybe empty, maybe not, you can hunt down bullets. I don't really hang around military bases much (don't really need an assault rifle and definitely don't need to get shot by server-hoppers) but it sounds like there's too many civilian weapons lying around as well. That just doesn't make a whole lot of sense, there's plenty of spawns for these as it is, no need for them to show up on the army bases.
  11. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    More Russian Vehicles

    Toyota Hilux, favorite of terrorists and rebels the world over. I'd back that up along with the other Soviet/Russian vehicles. Older models look better though, imo.
  12. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    loot distribution improved in .52?

    Played for the first time in quite a while yesterday, was pretty pleased with my fresh spawn, had no trouble finding food/water at all (might be a bit too abundant even, not sure), brass knuckles absolutely everywhere, which I didn't need since I'm rockin' a sledgehammer at the moment. Found a fair amount of civilian ammunition, no firearms though (may have been cleared out by other players). Seems like everything is distributed pretty well. Enter a house and I'm likely to find 3-5 bits of loot lying about. Melee weapons seem a bit more common than before, but I can't be certain. Absolutely inundated with shoes, but I don't know if that is new. No problems overall though. I've only searched civilian areas though, don't know the situation at the military bases, typically steer clear of there.
  13. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    car chase!

    Awesome. "Berezino Police", I was just thinking of some of the opportunities if/when we can find some police cars down the line.
  14. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Who all came to Chernarus?

    Well, it's tough to judge from the fact that there is little 'official lore' behind the game on this. Also, with the current and changing variety equipment it's not always easy to draw conclusions. I found this in a thread here a while back, saved it in word, again, 'unofficial lore' here, but I like it as a back story. This details the creation of UNOCHER, a UN mission to combat the infection, with various international forces involved.
  15. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Loot on zombies

    On the one hand I understand from a game play perspective, but on the other- why can't I take that goddamn helmet from the military zombie!?
  16. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Lock Picks and Garden Lime

    Fertilizer for food, or for fertilizer bomb. Funny... I feel like I can somehow predict how most players would plan to use it.
  17. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Restrained Player: Escort/Use as Human Shield

    I like all the ideas in these first two posts here. All certainly possible in real life, and makes room for some pretty cool stand-offs. Having a greater stealth element to the game than simply sneaking off to a new firing position would be fun.
  18. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Spawn near your Friends (realistic)

    No, that second bit was what I was talking about all along.
  19. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Spawn near your Friends (realistic)

    Guys are gonna crucify me for this but I would really like having the ability to just form a group with a few friends and spawn together; I don't care if you spawn without any gear or whatever, that would be perfectly fine. But contrary to what others are always saying here I find no joy in spending hours of my time trying to find my friends in Dayz, and I get that most people really don't care about making the game more accessible to more casual gamers, but I feel like this can be a major downer for a lot of players.
  20. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)


    Eh, if you like stalker, I think you should play stalker, but I'll never oppose having more maps down the line. I know if they add map making tools I'll be doing my home town.
  21. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)


    I've always kept to the side of caution when military stuff is suggested, and I don't feel any need to restate all the arguments already made. But, having thought about it some, I would say this: 1. In former Soviet Republics and Eastern Bloc countries there's certainly no small number of old Soviet military vehicles. 2. If such vehicles were being operated by Chernarussian forces during the outbreak, there would be presumably little damage to some of these vehicles, as the infected can't exactly use anti-tank weapons. 3. These vehicles, if you chose to use them, should be gas-guzzling monsters, meaning it would be fairly difficult to keep them supplied and running. 4. It would also take quite a few rather specialized parts to repair them, and older Soviet APCs don't have the best track record when it comes to mechanical failures. 5. It would also be rather difficult to find ammunition supplies for vehicle armament, you may be able to find some 73mm shells or MG belts at military depots, but likely not all that many. So I would say that APCs (BMPs, BRMs, what have you) would be ok to have in game, since it would be very difficult to get one to working condition, and still very difficult to keep it supplied with fuel and ammunition. They wouldn't be a real common sight, and so long as they are rare I see no problem, and it could also be quite interesting. It would also be nice to have some wrecked military vehicles scattered about, there's abandoned cars and police cars here and there, but what did the soldier zeds ride to their doom in?
  22. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Zombies should be silent.

    Oh...I see. The noises scare you. ^_^ Just kidding, silent would be far worse. And I really don't want it that way. Well, as has been said 18,053 times before, they aren't undead.
  23. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Craftable Noose.

    "Please let me go. I didn't mean to shoot at you guys, I though you were bandits." "Well, you should have brought more bullets with you. Step up onto the box."
  24. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Maxim M1910

    If you were laying an ambush and had time to position people before hand this would be perfect. Or you could camp near an airfield with it. Or you could just push the thing around like an idiot, and waste hundreds of rounds of ammunition. It would be interesting to see in the game though, as you've pointed out, they aren't incredibly uncommon, and would definitely be interesting; the relatively low rate of fire and recoil would also make it useful.
  25. Pvt_Larry (DayZ)

    Bury your stuff

    YO HO! Can ye landlubber's find me buried treasure? Head to the center of Chernogorsk, and take ten paces towards the forked tree...