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Everything posted by UrielSeptim

  1. UrielSeptim

    You are Dead/Unconscious TOPIC.

    Welp.....just bought this game and i've been searching around for similar issues and i've found people everywhere with the same issues......great, i feel like i wasted $30, i mean, i didn't because it will get fixed, but i was excited to play this, i just really hope the fixes don't take another month or two...and again, same problem as everyone else. i pick a server.....please wait.....you are unconcious..."alright here, let me hit every key i can, maybe one makes me wake up or something."....nothing......hit esc. go to respawn..........please wait.....you are dead......"well fuck me...lets try another server...". did that for about 15 servers till i gave up....i'm not upset, but i did just waste my time and prematurely spent money that i could've saved until this was fixed. a message on steam like *DO NOT BUY IF YOU WANT TO PLAY NOW, YOU WILL NOT SPAWN.* would've been nice.