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Posts posted by MysteriousSpoon

  1. i have to share this' date=' look at what this guy posted, holy balls some people make me wanna go hide in a corner for the rest of my life.

    (Today 05:14 AM)TheSexyGoat Wrote: Wow... after weeks of work, collecting guns, food, drinks, everything, storing in my tent/cars I get this. First, I lost all the cars I had in the first update, didn't really bother me, since all the good stuff I have are in my tents, now the tents are getting wiped? Seriously.. makes me wanna stop playing this and think about the 30$ I wasted.


    Yeah, I felt mildly disgusted after reading what this guy posted. People really do forget that they are TESTING a MOD that is in ALPHA stages. Sure, rage the fuck out if this happens when the MOD is full release but really dude? You're going to complain about that in Alpha? Holy shit that is low. Also, losing 30$? You do realize Arma 2 has a million other things you can do? Right guys? Right.....

  2. Hmm it doesn't seem to be working still....

    You got skype?

    Yes' date=' I will pm you my name. Also it does seem to be working now but my name comes up in red. If im correct does that mean that it is saying I have an illegal copy of the game?


    Unsure of this

    I have proof of purchase so yeah...

    Still don't have your skype and I don't have the pm. Did you send me one?

  3. Does it matter at which part of "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca" I add ;@dayz to?

    Oops sorry for the slow reply yes it does add it here so it looks like this


    Hmm it doesn't seem to be working still....

    You got skype?

    Yes' date=' I will pm you my name. Also it does seem to be working now but my name comes up in red. If im correct does that mean that it is saying I have an illegal copy of the game?


    Unsure of this

  4. Does it matter at which part of "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca" I add ;@dayz to?

    Oops sorry for the slow reply yes it does add it here so it looks like this


    Hmm it doesn't seem to be working still....

    You got skype?

  5. Sigh, i'll give you this what I just told someone else

    Yes, it's unstable as fuck, stop using Six Launcher. The first thing I want you to do right now is uninstall it and then delete the six projects folder from your program files. After that install the 3825 beta patch from the Arma 2 beta website.

    Once you have done that delete your @Dayz folder from your Arma 2 CO folder. Then install your beta patch. After that go and download the patch from index of Dayz. drag the @Dayz folder that's in the zip folder you downloaded and drag it into your Arma 2 CO directory. Then follow this for learning how to run DayZ from the beta.cmd command prompt

    Go to the Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead directory (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead) and right-click -> edit on .cmd file "_runA2CO_beta.cmd".

    Search for ":run" near the end of the file. Add ";@dayz" without quotes to "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca".

    Run "_runA2CO_beta.cmd" and enjoy playing!

  6. Are you using six updater?

    Yes I am good sir. Is this an issue?

    Yes' date=' it's unstable as fuck, stop using it. The first thing I want you to do right now is uninstall it and then delete the six projects folder from your program files. After that install the 3825 beta patch from the Arma 2 beta website.

    Once you have done that delete your @Dayz folder from your Arma 2 CO folder. Then install your beta patch. After that go and download the patch from index of Dayz. drag the @Dayz folder that's in the zip folder you downloaded and drag it into your Arma 2 CO directory. Then follow this for learning how to run DayZ from the beta.cmd command prompt

    Go to the Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead directory (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead) and right-click -> edit on .cmd file "_runA2CO_beta.cmd".

    Search for ":run" near the end of the file. Add ";@dayz" without quotes to "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca".

    Run "_runA2CO_beta.cmd" and enjoy playing!


    Thanks for the quick reply I will get to it now. Im new to the site, is there somesort of reputation system? If so I would like to add to yours.

    I have the game on steam will I have to do something differently?

    I have the game on steam will I have to do something differently?

    No, I have it on Steam too, it's all the same. As far as I know there is no personal rep system, i'm fine with it anyway, i'm here to help.

  7. Are you using six updater?

    Yes I am good sir. Is this an issue?

    Yes, it's unstable as fuck, stop using it. The first thing I want you to do right now is uninstall it and then delete the six projects folder from your program files. After that install the 3825 beta patch from the Arma 2 beta website.

    Once you have done that delete your @Dayz folder from your Arma 2 CO folder. Then install your beta patch. After that go and download the patch from index of Dayz. drag the @Dayz folder that's in the zip folder you downloaded and drag it into your Arma 2 CO directory. Then follow this for learning how to run DayZ from the beta.cmd command prompt

    Go to the Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead directory (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead) and right-click -> edit on .cmd file "_runA2CO_beta.cmd".

    Search for ":run" near the end of the file. Add ";@dayz" without quotes to "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca".

    Run "_runA2CO_beta.cmd" and enjoy playing!

  8. Yes, you're definitely correct about what you've said, however alpha is alpha and everything is still being added and tested, I look at it this way. He is testing all different types of zed mechanics so that eventually he can get it just right for the players, this will take a long time unfortunately (as we have seen from past zed fuck up patches) and we should expect to see more retarded zed behavior in future updates until Rocket gets it to a good, solid playable level.

    Hopefully sometime soon we should be seeing the zed behavior that we want :3

  9. We need non-lethal. Robbing players is way more fun than just shooting one.

    BEAN BAG ROUNDS for the shotguns => player unconscious for 10 minutes + drops all of the items he has on him' date=' allowing the robber to pick up the stuff..

    TAZER => player unconscious for 5 + drops all of the items he has on his body, allowing the robber to pick up the stuff.

    HANDCUFFS => tie up a player after you shot him to prevent him from getting back up and chasing you, also allowing you to pick up stuff after you have tazered the person. (You'd get a message when you try to move or get up: "You are currently tied up, handcuffs will be autoremoved in 15 minutes").

    City Life 2 RPG and Project Reality had some of these things, so I know it's possible.


    Good idea, however these duration's are a bit too long but yes it can work if the balance is done right.

  10. I think that might be a result of recent server restarts due to the hotfix. Since the constant stream of players hadn't hit the good loot spots in coastal cities yet' date=' there were quite a few good weapons still laying around.


    I know what you're saying but items like the Ghillie and M4A1 CCO are very, very rare spawns (See loot cheat sheet.)

    I dunno about you but I think that watches are spawning like crazy. I found 4 watches in one building' date=' ended up finding about 10 watches in 45mins


    Yes, I have been seeing all sorts of equipment everywhere, but (not many maps) many watches and knifes, everywhere.

  11. Okay, so today I was playing DayZ as usual enjoying the new patch. However I have either come across some extremely uncanny luck, or the spawn rates of rares have in-fact increased.

    I was on one of the new servers and I was newly spawned. I headed to Cherno because it was the nearest city to me. The first apartment I went in sported a ghillie suit, followed by that finding an AKS, AKM and M16 all in the same fire station.

    It doesn't end there, I died later on and connected to a new server out of just pure mad. I spawned and headed to Cherno once again, met some very nice friendlies who were both geared up, one in a Ghillie and one in a Camo, you would think these highly geared players? No, one had a revolver and one had a Lee Enfiled and they seemed to be fairly new the way that they were acting.

    However I moved on later into another fire station only to find what was the one and only M4A1 CCO. This blew my mind, it also came with 2 mags. After that I entered another small apartment building, inside was a Ghillie suit followed by a watch, a map, binoculars, matches and a knife. Then I shot the player outside and looted his blood bags and other useful stuff. (Sorry guy, better you than me.)

    So guys, what do you think this comes down to? Increased spawn rates on rare-ish items or just pure luck?

  12. I guess people are just putting 1.7.1 and not actually updating their servers then. Also' date=' a lot of servers said 1.7.1 but put a red X next to the name when I clicked it, and the "required version" text turned red. They all said required 1.6. Some servers said 1.7.1 in the title, said required 1.6 below, but didn't turn red when I clicked it. :/


    Maybe you're right, then again I don't see why they would do this to mislead people, it doesn't really make sense, most of this information points back to the mod being at fault but I don't know.

  13. I've tried numerous servers that already have 1.7.1 in it's title/description.

    Their descriptions and names are wrong. I was talking to some people that rolled back to 1.7 and the 1.7.1 servers turned out to be 1.7 servers. Although ultimately, I don't know who's at fault here. The mod authors or the people that run the servers. I would imagine it to be a mod fault due to the fact that so many servers have messed up.

  14. All you guys having problems with the game DO NOT WORRY. None of these problems are your fault at all, they are server problems now let me tell you why. The thing is the servers have messed it up, a lot of them have some of them haven't. There are no problems with your client or mod or anything like that, the server info is just wrong.

    The watermarks that people are getting, the no sound issues, no zombies and frame issues etc. they will be fixed when you actually join a 1.7.1 server. The servers that you are joining are actually 1.7 servers, NOT 1.7.1. This is why you are having all of these problems. Just wait a little while and let the server admins fix theirs shit. For now, we wait.

    Hope this helped :3

  15. I installed 1.7.1 as soon as it was released last night, everything was fine and obviously next to no servers had 1.7.1 running so I connected to a 1.7.0 server and I had no sound, I thought this was just the server's problem considering it had no upgraded yet so I left it until later when the servers updated.

    Later on I joined a 1.7.1 server and I am still experiencing the same problem. Basically no sound, but it's not just that I am also unable to aim down the sights on most servers. Not only this but I can see a faint white text in the middle of my screen which states that I am running 1.7.1 and the server is running 1.7.0 even on a 1.7.1 server.

    Also, most 1.7.1 servers that I connect too do not have zombies on them either which means no loot. I don't know if this is a patch or server side problem or if this is something I am doing wrong. I have tried both using the beta client and the six launcher to see if it has fixed the problem and I am getting no luck at all.

    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated
