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Posts posted by MysteriousSpoon

  1. Yep, people like this are fucking shit at the game. Saying that though, you're lucky, our team have been having massive trouble with script kiddies using tele/player location scripts and spawning in the AS50 TWS. Seriously, the AS50 Thermal is a fucking nightmare to deal with as you can imagine, it's impossible to hide.

  2. Feels bad man, a squad buddy found that gun on someone in Cherno, it's very very rare. He was on his way up to our squad in Vybor and he was gunned down by some scrub with a Lee Enfield. 3 of us came down to inspect it near Stary where he died, turned out to be a huge bait and we were bombed with AS50's and M107's. That day was not a good day.

  3. Your graphics card is very, very old and out of date for playing a game like Arma 2, even if you put everything on low and disable effects etc. The 5450 can hardly perform well on any modern game. For a cheap price you could pick up a HD5770 which performs much, much better than that card.

    Honestly your frame rate comes down to the GPU, not the game itself, just pick up a new one.

  4. Locking servers is reason enough.

    One of our admins did it briefly (30 seconds) to sniff out a hacker using script logs. I got an automated email 10 minutes later from our provider saying that if it happens again the server can be shut down.

    To me that is awesome. Though ours had a legitimate reason' date=' the admin didn't know he couldn't lock it. I think every server should be considered 1 or 2 locks away from blacklist. Especially if everyone in the server is from the same group.


    Server locking is required in order for server owners and their admins to maintain server stability during peak-hour, when thousands of request-to-join packets are being sent back and forth between the server and clients from all over the globe.

    This is very true, my home server CZ02 uses this feature to stop red/yellow chain. When 4 or more people try to connect simultaneously the server locks for around 30 seconds to prevent server overload and flooding. It keeps the server stable. Although some servers do use the locking feature for abuse. A lot of them use it for server stability.

  5. I think this barbed wire loot camping situation needs to be addressed. I know we can use toolboxes to get rid of them but I am honestly not finding any, when it gets to the point where most of Cherno's main loot spawn locations are barbed, it can get pretty frustrating when trying to find some supplies.

  6. I think there should be some kind of options for camouflage for survivors outfits and backpacks that are separate from the skins. So if this feature was to be added, it wouldn't make the ghillie completely useless.

    Honestly, if you were to make the ghillie's show their backpacks then it would basically render it useless.

  7. Shrapnel, I agree whole heartedly. People have been spoon fed everything in video games for the past few years. People have seem to forgot that this is supposed to be a difficult game and if they don't like the fact that it's difficult, that does not mean that the game will be nerfed into the ground just because some carebear finds if too difficult.

  8. Are they the same damage? Which one does more damage to humans?

    I honestly don't think that the zed aggro is worth the trouble after you kill the player. I would just rather ignore the player and take another route than aggro an entire city. Unless of course you're killing this player in some field out in the open up North then yeah, fire away.

    Quick edit: I would always go with the Lee Enfield, it always seems more reliable.
