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About Boulard83

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    Computer & Gaming
  1. Boulard83

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Z pass trough doors, only thing i have to say ;) rest is great !
  2. Boulard83

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    No one noticed the V3S persistance issue ?
  3. Boulard83

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Overall this patch seems good. We played a few hours without issue but heres two things ( sorry if already discussed, i've read few pages of the thread but not all of them ). V3S/Player persistance : The persistance is great but have an issue. The position of the V3S is saved on server restart but the player last saved position seems to be the last position where he touched the ground. We tested getting out of the truck every ~1km to register our position and make sure we respawn near our truck but it's anoying to do so. Player Wipe on server restart : Happened to me again today. Server restarted ( no msg received X sec ). I waited about 30-45sec on this message then i quit to the menu. Join the server back and boom wiped. My friend who was playing with me was OK. We had similar issue on other patch, waiting much longer seemed to fix for me and i think ill keep waiting before rejoin after restart. Thanks !
  4. Boulard83

    Killed by and hacker

    Ironic ! ( server name .. ) We are french be there it is. We all 3 got killed by an hacker but we were not all together so i was the only one that filmed this.
  5. Boulard83

    Compass always wrong?

    I still like to carry a compass but after a second wrong compas sin the same day i feel like i might stop carrying one.... Not that i dont know the map ( i'm 400++ hrs ) but well, IRL if i have a compass i'll use it even if i'm pretty sure where am i in the woods !
  6. Boulard83

    Compass always wrong?

    I just had issue with a compass. The compass was prestine and was working #1 but after i got hit by a Z the compass was worn wich is still supposed to be really good but the compass was now ~60 deg wrong to the left. I've put it on the ground, picked it back, moved it aroung, nothing fixed it. ( i did not tried to log out and back in, it could have fixed it ).
  7. Boulard83

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    OKi, ill try it that way.
  8. Boulard83

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    Anyone have Wiping issue ? I had alot of random character wipe on server restart on the .51 and it happened again this morning on the .52 after a server restarted.
  9. Boulard83

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    I randomly wiped at least 5 time last week on the .51 so i dont matter wiping joining today but i hope those random wiping will be past on the .52.
  10. Boulard83

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    Waiting for the notes !! :)
  11. Boulard83

    Downgrade to .37

    Sadly yes, there is alot of desync and some disconnect since the last patch. I still play alot but it's very painfull.
  12. Boulard83


    There is no proper SLI profile from Nvidia driver for DayZ SA currently. I run a SLI GTX 780 on a surround setup at 5760x1080 and i have near to no gain from single to SLI.
  13. Boulard83

    Computer spec Question

    You have a GT620 wich is what i call a "web browsing card", not a gaming card. Get at least a newer 750ti or 650ti and up. Whats the spec of the rest of your rig ?
  14. Huge +1 and i was about to add this last NOTE untill i read it :)