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Borges (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Borges (DayZ)

  1. Borges (DayZ)

    Do you think the LRS will be removed from Mosin when...

    Edit- didn't properly read.
  2. Borges (DayZ)

    PLEASE remove scope smoothing

    It's negative mouse acceleration that was occurring only when I zoomed in. When I zoomed out/another weapon it was fine. Here's a video of what it looks like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2uC9ZVbd6U. Both the gun and scope were in pristine condition.
  3. Borges (DayZ)

    PLEASE remove scope smoothing

    My smoothing and deadzone are set to 0. I currently do not have the scope so I can't post a vid. I will keep my eyes open.
  4. Borges (DayZ)

    PLEASE remove scope smoothing

    It probably is clunky design that hasn't been improved yet. I'm just throwing it out there. It's the only scope that adds magical mouse smoothing to your weapon..
  5. Borges (DayZ)

    Change the walk up hills!

    Bumping this thread. It's really irritating. Atleast make it so you move at a decent speed at an angle.
  6. Borges (DayZ)

    PLEASE remove scope smoothing

    It appears it's only on the long ranged scope. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Long_Range_Scope Try it, they're pretty hard to find though. The other scopes are 1:1. The long range scope should be set to 1:1 like the other scopes, as its current state is a scope on ice skates. When you stop moving your mouse, your gun continues to move (not scope sway), causing your aim to slide around.
  7. Borges (DayZ)

    New graphic renderer - graphics improvements?

    Just like to throw this in. i5 2500k 4.5ghz, 8gb ram, and oc'd gtx670. I practically get the same fps in some areas on very high settings and very low settings, going from 60-70 fps down to 40 (even on very low) which doesn't make any sense at all. All "effect" settings are off. I assume the SA will receive future optimization and performance tweaks, however getting this performance now with hardly any zombies worries me. I notice when I look into some forests or wooded areas, and some small towns, my fps just tanks regardless of settings.
  8. Borges (DayZ)

    All Tents Wiped?

    IronCross needs to get rid of his addictions
  9. Borges (DayZ)

    Too late to start playing Dayz Mod?

    You know what I meant, no need to troll. The features in the mod are far more complete than they are in the SA.
  10. Borges (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Do you want me to dig your grave in your backyard or front?
  11. Borges (DayZ)

    Buying DayZ

    It's not worth playing the standalone until they release more zombies and fix the performance issues. Yeah they're adding tons of new weapons and items but what's the point if there is no NPC threat in the game and it runs like a piece of shit. It's just a complete waste of time.
  12. Borges (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I was told repeatedly that it WAS on BiS's end, and that it wasn't from 1.8.1, but from the Arma OA beta patch. I wasn't arguing towards your team kichilron, but BiS. I'm glad it's fixed, but if the issue was indeed part of the OA beta patch then it should have been hot fixed much sooner than the 1.8.2 release. If the issue was with the 1.8.1 patch then there is nothing to argue about.
  13. Borges (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Thanks for the update.
  14. Borges (DayZ)

    DayZ unplayable on GTX 770

    Realized this wasn't mod section. Yeah Dayz SA performance is shit. Try overclocking your cpu to 4.5ghz (might give you around 5 more fps), and keep objects detail on very low.
  15. Borges (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    No vanilla private hive will ever reach 100 players, not even 60 anymore so player amount doesn't even matter.
  16. Borges (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Looks like no patch today. Next week perhaps?
  17. Borges (DayZ)

    Mental Health

    I like this idea...That actually sounds pretty cool. However, it could only work if there was a viable way to gain humanity in an efficient way if you are a bandit., because we all know it would be tied to the humanity system.
  18. Borges (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I'd say if the player base does not pick back up with 1.8.2 vanilla will be officially dead, or just not worth playing from the low player base.
  19. Borges (DayZ)

    Too late to start playing Dayz Mod?

    Dude the mod is practically a complete game. The standalone is a zombie-less glitchy as fuck deathmatch internet social club. You have no idea what you're talking about. The SA might be better yes, in like 3 years.
  20. Borges (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Thank you guys for all of your work.
  21. Borges (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Exactly so it's just a conundrum of bbqwtf 24/7.
  22. Borges (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    In my experience the exhaustion time limit has not changed since 112555 so you still stay maximum exhausted until you stop moving, for X seconds and it slowly returns. It still takes like 20-30 seconds. 100% to recreate every time is this. Login to a 1.8.1 1.63/103718-125548 server. Stand still. Walk, or crouch slowly for 5-8 steps. Stop moving, and observe. You should notice your character is breathing heavily and at maximum exhaustion level ( maximum gun sway) and you have to stand still again to let it return to normal, only until moving again. Play on a server with crosshairs so you can see it bobbling all over the place after you walk 10 meters. You don't need to run around in first person. Just MOVING at all triggers maximum exhaustion. It takes literally 10 seconds to see it happening.
  23. Borges (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Yep it can be recreated by just moving your character any way. Just use 1.8.1 and any 1.63 arma2oa version. It's a bit odd to me too that he's never seen it.
  24. Hoogley. Spawn in elektro. Run to the nearest zombie you can find, and let it kill you. Repeat.