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Everything posted by Vaulti3

  1. Write down a list of ideas for buildings and like secret stuff so they might be able to put it on dayZ standalone .
  2. ye i was thinking of an easter egg they could put on like you have to make a submarine to get to the place to do the easter egg but you have to search the whole ocean to find the place, what do u think?
  3. ye like new bulding because most of the building are the same all the time.
  4. yeah easter eggs like you have to do something to get like a gun upgrade or something like that but it has to be like a hard challenge to get it , like not something really easy, like it would take a week or a few days to finish the challenge.
  5. I think its to quick its just ridiculous
  6. Make different skins like to show if your friendly or to show that your a lone ranger like you go solo or to show that your a bandit .
  7. Make different skins like to show that your a lone ranger like you go solo or to show that your a bandit and you kill on sight.
  8. Vaulti3

    NEW SKINS for character HERO/BANDIT

    I cant believe your sad enough to post that
  9. Vaulti3

    NEW SKINS for character HERO/BANDIT

    thats probably because your an idiot.
  10. Vaulti3

    NEW SKINS for character HERO/BANDIT

    Well all im doing is thinking of ideas so you dont have to be such a twat all the time , im just helping and try to think of good ideas you can try out.
  11. Vaulti3

    NEW SKINS for character HERO/BANDIT

    ye I was thinking about that like they can troll ya
  12. In the next update make it so you would be able to make bases because I really want to and it would suck if we wouldnt be able to make base because it really fun.
  13. Vaulti3

    to be able to build bases like dayZ mod

    nice cant wait!
  14. Vaulti3

    =UWS= United We Stand ~ RECRUITING (Est. 2003)

    Nice looks like a good groupn to join where can I start?