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About FloydP

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. FloydP

    Killed a combat logger...

    How do you know he was combat logging? Perhaps he had been called away (phone, wife, kids...when duty calls, the responsible answer). I get called away quite often and leave my self vulnerable. If I know it will be an extended departure, I log out. If I get held up longer than expected, I'll often come back to the computer long enough to just log out (completely unaware of what is going on around me). Back in the early days of fps's (when sportsmanship wasn't just a fantasy), we'd leave players crouched in corners or obviously afk and move on. (I'm sure that'll bring a chuckle or two)
  2. FloydP

    Server Install Question

    I'm still trying. I've experienced every problem that you have. I've tried just about every angle. I can get the server running and can see it in Dayz Commander (but not the Arma server list). I can join but get hung with a "Waiting for Host" message. The server console begins spamming "mission Chernarus read from....." until I log out. I'll be out of pocket for the next day or two, then I'll try your video. Thanks for keeping us up to date. Floyd
  3. FloydP

    Server Install Question

    I'm having the exact same trouble as TE5LA. I've run many a Source, UE, BF, CoD, etc. server in the past 15 years but getting this one to work is adding a few more grey hairs. I did manage to get the server up and running and joined the lobby, but that was as far as I've gotten. Now after moving files, editing paths, etc. I can't seem to get the server to even start. Battleye won't initialize now either. So, time for a wipe and reinstall. I think my stumbling block is the path usage in the .bat file. Apparently, the path used in those files from epoch are for non-Steam initiated installs. TE5LA, if/when you get yours up, I'd be interested in how files are setup and the path you used. For now I'm going to try a default Dayz install and go from there. Thanks for your input, facoptere and for your informative and detailed report, TE5LA.
  4. FloydP

    2 shitty bandits

    The moral of that story is never bring a single shot scoped mosin to an axe fight....lol. (or a single shot anything, for that matter)
  5. FloydP

    How careful are you?

    How careful I am depends upon several things: the number of players in the server when that last server reset was where I am if I'm alone or not(1) If I'm in a low pop server, I don't worry about it too much. If I get taken out by a loner, meh...so what. I'll just have to start over (that's the fun part, imo). If I run into a player or two on a low pop server, I often approach them and see if they need anything or any help. (2) Lots of people time server restarts. If its been a while since the restart and I need something, I just head inland. If I'm in good shape, I'll go down on the coast and look for new spawns to help out. (3) If I'm at an airfield or military base, you bet your bottom dollar I'm careful. It is rare that I head into those alone (even on low pop servers). If my buddy(s) or I get taken out, by some KOS'er, we like to have someone close by that can reciprocate the love (if they don't chicken out and log out).. (4) As with above, I'm a little less careful about my personal safety if I'm traveling with someone. But I am a little more careful about where the people I'm traveling with are. I don't want us to accidentally mistake us for others.....Especially if a firefight gets started. Having learned the first lesson of Early Access DayZ standalone, I am NOT attached to my stuff. If I die, I die. When I die, I get the joy of traveling inland, seeing the sights and trying to outwit the zombies and avoid starvation......
  6. My theory is that the devs are having a good laugh at all the forum posters that bitched about not having an update "on schedule" for the past weeks. "If you want us to release half-assed stuff just for the sake of releasing something, here it is. Deal with it."
  7. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but afaik... by default most GSP's are restarting their servers every four hours. This spawns not only loot, but zombies as well. Some GSP's give customers the option to restart their servers more often (high loot) AND choose what time of day the server is restarted at ( the 24/7 daylight servers). The other time option is to set restart intervals AND follow a 24hour day/night cycle.
  8. Feedback is fine and sought after. But all I hear is: "whine. whine. sniffle. sniffle. BWAAAAHHH!" "I'm entitled because I paid money." "I'm a grown man. I know everything.That's why I cry like a three year old and espouse facts I can't possibly know." I thinking about making my sig: "Caveat_emptor." Unfortunately, that would simply fly over the majority's head.
  9. Says the man from West Virginia..... :P
  10. FloydP

    So is this normal?

    Servers reset every few hours (usually between 2 and 4). You can then go to the menu screen (or history) and reselect the same server or a different one. You will usually spawn where you were about 10 seconds before the server restarted. In your case, I would have logged out and then logged back in. Chances are your character hadn't been updated to the hive yet. I remember once I had just found me a pristine long range scope. I stuck it in my pack and began to exit the building. The server restarted at just that moment. When I spawned back in, I did not have the scope and I was outside of the building. I had not yet entered it. So, I went back in and unfortunately there was no long range scope, but ammo in its place. "waaahhh". lol. Oh well. The best advice I've been given (and it has made my gameplay soooo much more enjoyable) was: Don't get attached to your gear...
  11. Caveat_emptor anyone? Its apparent (and unnerving) that entitlements have ruined a generation...
  12. Cool. Thanks for sharing that.
  13. FloydP

    So, just met a hacker.

    IP ban would be pointless. Some IP's change daily, some change at every restart of the modem. And too easy to smurf an IP. I say ban their Steam ID's. From all Steam games. Again, its not an impossible method to get around, but it makes them work harder.
  14. And you missed the two hour restart (as opposed to the more common four hour restart). ;)
  15. FloydP

    Question on opening up a server

    I don't see where gaming deluxe offers any stateside game servers. I could be wrong, but I couldn't find it on their website. I rent from gameservers.com. Not my first choice. They do limit your access to the server a little more severely than many game server providers. They have their own way of letting you edit files and almost never let give you direct access to the command line. However, the choices for quality stateside DayZ servers is limited. My server has had pretty good performance when loaded. It has been updated within a reasonable time when patches have come out. I'd suggest renting for a month and see what they're like. Being your first ever game server to run, the limited choices may help keep you from fubaring your server. Oh, you don't have to install anything. Battleye is running (BEC is not, but at this point in time other than start times and a better MOTD interface, there's not much to be gained). You can change the name of your server. Change the default start time (if you so choose). Enter a series of Messages (and the interval between them). The server will restart every four hours automatically. If you need help, PM me.