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Everything posted by skypig

  1. skypig

    I magically broke my legs. Guess where.

    you did read the OP, right? lol
  2. finding a bag, even a kids bag, is one of my worries when I spawn. up to that point I have to actually make an effort to survive.. pick what I 'need' to have and can carry in 4 pant pockets and 3-4 pockets in the nearly ruined coats I manage to find. to me bags make the game much easier and that takes some of the fun out of it. I pass over mountain packs because there's so much room that the game stops being dayz and ends up being Hoarders on Foot.
  3. skypig

    What is "Fully Geared" to you?

    splitting axe, matches, rags, canteen and whatever gun I find ammo for... the rest is bells and whistles
  4. so in your words a "valuable" alpha tester is one who loses a character to a known (and very well known) bug then leaves screaming "blahharglebarglebubbleimcompletethisgamesucksimoutyall!!!"? and who are theses valuable alpha testers that are leaving? I think in reality you found your special kit you've been searching for and was silly enough to stop and stand on a staircase... when, if you had done any research or barely skimmed the forums you would know this action means death.. and you're throwing a hissy fit over it. it's ok though... I myself have taken a break now and then from days. come back later dude, refreshed and ready to have your favorite kit fucked up again and again. because, really, dying and restarting is the best way (in my opinion) to test this game. but that's just my opinion...
  5. can you share with us some of these games you've worked on? these projects you've been involved with? I'd like to take you seriously and take your comment as coming from someone with experience in game development... but really anyone can jump on a forum and pretend to have experience and talk with authority on how this particular title should be progressing.
  6. I can understand your frustration over losing a character in an incomplete and buggy game that is in development. along with your anger at things not being done at a pace that pleases you, or being done in the order you deem necessary.... but your attitude is shit so don't be surprised by any flaming that might come your way
  7. my first spawn into the game was a night time spawn. it was cloudy, moonless and creepy as hell. I could barely make out a tiny bit if horizon. I wandered around by sound mostly, hearing the ocean on my right and some god awful screaming and howling on my left. I was pretty much blind. I hadn't watched many videos or anything so it was all a mystery to me. opening that inventory and messing around with the flashlight and battery and seeing how they worked on my own gave a greater sense of accomplishment in the first few moments than most other games. looking back it's like "yeah, you put a battery into a flashlight, raised it up and turned it on, big deal." but at the time it was an important piece of the puzzle put into place.
  8. skypig

    Would They Do It Again?

    that's the great thing about forums, it keeps the nutty, vocal minority concentrated in a few places instead of wandering the internet with their "The End Is Neigh!" signs
  9. skypig

    To the guy I just murdered..

    in most cases you'd be right... but in this case I believe the OP simply gave a detailed account of what happened and asked a genuine question. it doesn't come off as the "haha I got yo shit foo!!" type of thread
  10. *flips off Rant switch... almost got me with that subject line lol
  11. skypig

    wheres the fuddin food gone?

    obviously your wife didn't visit one of our Wal-Marts. that's where we heard them to.
  12. skypig

    The golden Triangle

    heh, cheap thrills right?
  13. skypig

    Well, I combat logged.

    you're kinda funny when you get your feathers all ruffled up! I do apologize for upsetting you. i should have said "these guys" not "this guy". but the point still stands...
  14. dear diary, today I did what hundreds of others did in a game. I shot a guy and grabbed his loot... I R deh leet!!!
  15. skypig

    Well, I combat logged.

    what this guy seriously fails to realize is that Nothing has been done to stop trolls and immature/asshole kids (as he calls them) In fact it's been encouraged. the ability to force feed rotten foods and poisons, putting a burlap sack over some poor dudes head, subduing and restraining an individual so they can't escape while the other players (and yes they are assholes and immature most of the time lol) do what they wish to your avatar/character. but those acts, again, are allowed and encouraged... even given the tools, commands and options to do so. combat logging on the other hand is not allowed and there have been steps taken to prevent that from happening. whether or not those steps put in place are up to your standards is irrelevant. the fact remains that being an asshole is allowed but combat logging is not. and before you reply just consider the fact that some asshole kid trying to bugger yours, mine or anyone else's character is combat. they may not be firing at you with guns or chopping at you with axes... but it is still them verses you. also consider this, when you log because you deem their actions inappropriate they still win, you took nothing from them, you didn't troll them, you didn't rob them of any satisfaction. because they still see your logging as running home to mom for soothing hugs and kisses... and so does the overwhelming majority of people participating in this thread.
  16. skypig

    Bandits are hilarious...? and liers?

    hahahaha Nice!
  17. skypig

    Bandits are hilarious...? and liers?

    for the Ebonics/ghetto-speak challenged. the previous evening my friend and I were in elektro when he communicated his desire to travel a predetermined path to the north western airfield. "nay!" I replied to him "instead we should remain here and try to make acquaintances with our fellow survivors." currently we were relaxing on the roof of the fire station with only the clothes on our backs as we have not yet procured any firearms. suddenly a shot rang out "hark! we should vacate these premises post haste!" my startled friend yelled. "nay!" I said to him again, "I stall remain here and stand my ground!" I got to my feet and communicated with our assailant using universally recognized sign language. he did not seem to care and continued to fire at me. I avoided his shots doing a well known dance, a jig, if you will, while scouting the area for the shooter. "aha!" I said, "I do believe I have found his location!" as we exited the fire station I saw a poor soul who expired previously and scavenged his remains for a firearm and ammunition. by some stroke of luck our assailant has attracted the attention of some starving, fevered locals whom I followed to his location. finding him located under a tree I shouted "you there! buggerer of mothers!" completely catching him off guard. "my dear sir I am but a friend, a lonely traveler of sorts." he said. believing none of his lies my companion proceeded to practice the time honored woodsman's art on the individual. having none of this he leapt to his feet and escaped. we gave chase and he slowed momentarily allowing my friend to catch him... in his over eagerness to exact revenge my friend inadvertently placed himself between our prey and my gun! in my over zealous joy to do the same I fired my farmers weapon of carnage rendering my dear friend lifeless but also incapacitating the scoundrel!! weeping for my loss and also at the joy of the hunt I approached the wounded shooter. with nary a word and a steely look of determination in my eye I leveled my shot gun at him.... but alas, as I was about to fire I was surprised. it seems my victim had a friend as well and called out "hark! the tables have been turned!" as he proceeded swing his fire axe at me releasing my earthbound soul from my now lifeless body. yay though we both died we relished the time of our adventure!
  18. skypig

    Well, I combat logged.

    no.. instead your list of reasons why you would combat log seems to grow with every reply. but yes having your day ruined is a part of dayz... (except for logging off when a hacker is there, I still wouldn't do it myself but wouldn't shame anyone who logged in a hacking situation) getting KoS'd? part of the game. having some idiot talk shit to you.. part of the game. getting fed rotten fruit/disinfectant.. well that's part of the game too. hell it's even encouraged. why else is there an option to "force feed" rotten/poisonous things to other players? and stop pointing fingers at people who disagree with you.. it makes you look silly and desperate. no I don't hack, kos, perform sexual acts with prisoners or set out to ruin someone's game session or shoot fresh spawns. but I have had all of them happen to me. there's times I've said their shit was stupid and they admitted it and let me go. times I've stood there and made no movement or action and they either walked away or shot me. big deal i had to regear in a game that's overly easy to do at this point. I've also screamed crazy shit and started punching lol I made it out alive once but mostly died.. big deal, had to regear. and I've even just run away zig zagging so they shot so many rounds all my shit was ruined and nothing left for them to take (again I had to regear/big deal). even had one experience with someone who was without a doubt hacking. but never once did I grab my toy truck and go home... I played it out because (apart from the single hacker) they're all parts of the many things that make DayZ what it is. so if it's a hacker then log if you must and feel no shame. any other instance... well you have to live with yourself and the opinion of your fellow gamers/players in this community.
  19. I'd love to see craftable melee weapons. ashwood stick+rope+stone. even if they're crappy and would wear down to ruined status after a few uses and fall apart would be great.
  20. skypig

    Well, I combat logged.

    having your day ruined is one part of the DayZ experience and I hate to say this but maybe this really isn't the game for you
  21. skypig

    Well, I combat logged.

    find one person in this thread, for or against combat logging, that defended hacking. in fact it's just the opposite. but most have said they wouldn't log around hackers but instead try to get evidence of it to report... so why do you say people are defending hackers? your arguments are week. and you're too proud to admit combat logging under any circumstance is wrong.
  22. skypig

    Well, I combat logged.

    ahhh I think we've found the issue! can you show us on the doll where the bad clan touched you? but seriously.. fight back, run, stand your ground, beg and plead for life and mercy... whatever the fuck you decide to do.. do something!!! don't combat log like a spoiled kid!
  23. skypig

    Well, I combat logged.

    are you confused about which game you downloaded?
  24. skypig

    Well, I combat logged.

    combat logging is not a play style because you're not fucking playing... it's quiting. don't try to dress it up as some sort of heroic stand against kos'ers or trolls or whatever you want to call them. combat logging is the same as admiting you're too attached to your gear and you would rather pull the plug than play it out.
  25. skypig

    Well, I combat logged.

    yeah... except you can't really blow them away when you're combat logging, can you? ...just sayin'