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Everything posted by skypig

  1. skypig

    Banning for inappropriate behaviour...

    let's just keep it simple. every server admin will have a big red button. when they see offensive racist words being used they hit the button and it immediately sends a signal to the Guardians of Right, the Super Friends Team of obama, jackson & sharpton! who will, in turn, use their super race baiting powers to incite a riot in the offender and/or victim's town and justice will be served and we can all sit back with warm fuzzy feelings. or all of us who are adults can be adults about it and mute the person, ignore them or move away. because honestly it's immature juveniles acting like that and the more you do to prevent it and the more rules you put in place just gives them a bigger kick out of acting like an idiot.
  2. skypig

    Killed a combat logger...

    haha exactly
  3. skypig

    Open inventory while sprinting

    digging in your pack for a pen or notebook while sprinting is a whole world away from rummaging around in a pack (while on the run) loaded with knives, grenades, loaded firearms and whatever else is crammed in there...
  4. skypig

    To the 'LOST' clan

    good quote... except you're attacking their island (server) lol shoulda used a "bring the fight to the enemy" type of quote.
  5. to be fair.. he's been responded to pretty lightly compared to some others lol
  6. because you're not playing a Game.. you're playing a rough draft off the chalk board. shit is going to be wiped off, changed around, added back, shoved aside for something else, screwed up by the newest thing, taken back out, twisted around, crammed back in, fucked up, tinkered with, fixed just to be fucked up again by the next new thing, then fiddled wth till they get it right and re-add it back into the mix until it's working. even the shit that's been working fine will probably be taken out, strapped to the table, fucked over and tossed back in bloody and full of tears till all the parts learn to work together in one big happy finished Game. the idea is not to gear up and make camp that you'll play with forever. the idea is to gear up, test the shit out, die, gear up again, do some more playing/testing and on and on till final release. then on that day you can "play DayZ" and hoard your shit.
  7. skypig

    Random crying noises

    what have you been EATING????
  8. skypig

    Got sick from eating burnt bore steak

    binge and purge worked for me once after eating bad fruit accidentally. it took a couple tries but everything went back to normal after a while. that was more than a couple months ago though... not sure if it's been changed or not since.
  9. skypig

    Next Vehicle

    I want an old VW hippie bus with an 8-track so I can play Down Under...
  10. realism vs authenticity... that's a whole other debate. ... and apologies if I came off sounding a bit uppity in that last reply lol
  11. " I think most 1pp advocates believe that if you want to make a realistic game then anything unrealistic should be removed." like the ability to magically heal broken bones instantly with a stick and a couple rags? or rummaging through your pack, pulling things out, organizing and shuffling stuff around.. while sprinting? or taking a shot gun blast to the face the drinking a soda and eating a can of peaches to fully heal yourself? let's leave the "realism" out of the 1pp/3pp debate huh?
  12. wait.. why are you at a disadvantage?
  13. no.. you can see people's character for a while when they're logging in.
  14. skypig

    loot hoarding / tent security

    climb down off your soap box there bud. in one of your last posts you compared moving a gun 10 yards to hacking and KOSing... you're a bit nutty lol continue if it makes you feel better though, you make me smile getting all riled up over moving a gun outside of a building lol
  15. skypig

    loot hoarding / tent security

    you assume way, way too much based on the single fact that I ditch some guns when I see them lol also, you seem a bit worked up over that little thing. you enjoy your game and I'll enjoy mine, cool?
  16. skypig

    loot hoarding / tent security

    not really... I can't speak for anyone else. but when i ditch guns and ammo that I don't need or want there's no malice or spite involved. this is a survival sim and one less gun or stack of ammo in someone else's pack increases my characters chance of surviving. you do not NEED a gun to survive. I don't eat, hoard, or hide every bit of food. only enough to fill my canteen and belly then a couple cans in my pack. the rest is left for other survivors. melee weapons I leave alone as well. everyone deserves to have a Zed Whacker and shouldn't be totally defenseless. but ammunition and guns... yes, nine times out of ten I'll ditch them in the back yard or other side of the fence. I don't make it a point to empty entire villages or whole areas of ammo/guns, that's overkill. but if they're on my path I'll tuck them out of the way. I play (mostly lol) with a "what would I do if this were real?" mentality. and if this we're happening in real life I can honestly say I wouldn't be leaving things like that laying around in the open for someone else to find. not having a gun has never ruined my gaming experience, in fact it's made surviving more of a reward.
  17. not surprising at all. 50% like to as it is, 21% like 3pp but think it can be changed slightly, 6% think it should be changed slightly in some other way... leaving just a hair over 1/5th not wanting 3pp in any form.
  18. skypig

    What to do with the edges of the map?

    leave it as it is.. funny reading about people who jam their W key to auto run then come and write a post about how they're lost in some weird area.
  19. skypig

    duping is out of control

    in most cases I would agree with you.. but come on man, give up on this one, it's plain to see it's Not a loot spawn problem with all those M4's laying there. are you saying a group of kind hearted individuals went out of their way to drop kitted out M4s, mosins, AKs, hundreds of clips, ammo boxes, protector cases and tons of other shit in a church for the hell of it?
  20. skypig

    the bambi steak

    at first I thought it was kind of dumb... but then I saw the skinning part... does that mean we'll have people shaped improvised backpacks?? tie the left leg/arm and right leg/arm to each other for shoulder straps? I'm gonna name mine Willson!
  21. skypig

    My dream " House " location in Dayz

    didn't know what you two were talking about at the time... but when I read this, holy shit did it make me laugh
  22. skypig

    Why all the judgement?

    yeah, except there is no "somewhere innocent" in this game. it doesn't matter if someone is looking for a fight or not... everyone is fighting to survive. as soon as you enter the sever you are entering a fight. I'm not a big fan of sniping, or kos, but come on.. are you really gonna play the "if the other person doesn't see you it's not pvp" card? the whole point of sniping is to be hidden. sniping and kos'ing fresh spawn is pretty low, no argument there. but just because a person has no intention of engaging anyone else while looting some far off little town, unaware or ignorant of their surroundings, does not excuse them from being a target.
  23. skypig

    Need some serious help

    try rolling.. worked for me once. and the jumping/vaulting towards the outside usually works after a long while
  24. skypig

    Players start with a map

    I don't think we should start with a map, but I do think we should be able to walk into any gas station or grocery store and find one. hunting down the pieces for the jigsaw map was fun, once.
  25. skypig

    Newspawns asking to get killed

    if they're cool and ask nice then give them a bullet and send them to a new spawn. if they're being a dick about it.. break legs like OP did.