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Everything posted by skypig

  1. skypig

    Vision nerfed yet again?!

    Exactly... in every game I've ever played things look different sizes, compared to any other game, at the same distance. All the trail and error of judging distances based on size was just part of the learning curve. Never had a zoom, outside of using a scope or binoculars, until I played ro2. It just seemed arcade-y...
  2. skypig

    Status report lateness

    Like you said.. it's a simple status report. Ever stop bitching long enough to think maybe they're actually putting that time into working on the game? Seriously dude its a status report, who cares if it's late... get a grip
  3. skypig

    Status report lateness

    Status reports are a courtesy to us. Read a book while you wait.. or make up your own status report and compare when they do come out. Just don't bitch and demand
  4. skypig

    Why did you buy this game?

    I bought it because of the one review I read where the person said something along the lines of "had a backpack full of canned food... and starved to death because I couldn't find a can opener."
  5. skypig

    Battle Royale?

    To the OP, like everyone said, it'll probably be best to wait for mods and such. Mod makers will most likely do a better job of it. That's not a slight against the devs in any way.
  6. skypig

    Battle Royale?

    Then why don't you be the bigger man and drop it? Instead you come in waving your "I'm butthurt" flag and calling them meanies. Take some of your own advice and tell yourself your own words.. "this is the internet, get used to it."
  7. skypig

    Battle Royale?

    I hope not. It seems seriously out of place. Arma koth and H1Z1 BR are fun but just feels cheesy for dayz.
  8. skypig

    so much for the struggle

    ok... but some people live Only for dayz.. so there's that.
  9. skypig

    so much for the struggle

    kinda like waiting weeks for a plant to grow?
  10. skypig

    so much for the struggle

    how about the healing speed? I've never been shot but I feel pretty certain it would take more than a couple can of peaches and a shot of morphine to get back up to 100% in moments. that seems a bit accelerated too.
  11. skypig

    so much for the struggle

    food growing in 15 minutes turns you away from the game? and all the other things that are just a little outside of reality are ok with you?
  12. skypig

    so much for the struggle

    Jonah Jonah Jonah... you don't have to pick apples all day or even farm all day. a short time doing those(short time) and your set, set for days in some cases. growing food (if you choose) is a small slice of the survival pie. quit making such a big fuss and being all dramatic over it
  13. there weren't as many fast draw, dead eye, crack shot, hip shooters in the old west as Hollywood makes it seem. the few that could, then and today, spend countless hours and thousands of rounds practicing. there were a few exceptions like the guy who could shoot a silver dollar coin out of the air, split a playing card in half over their shoulder and such. but they weren't being attacked by zombies or having people shoot back at them
  14. what's unbelievable is that your posts seem to say you want accuracy without making the effort to learn where the gun is possibly going to hit when firing from the hip. you really do sound like you're saying "waaa make gun hit where I want so I don't have to go trough all the hassle of moving my mouse 1/10 of a fucking inch upwards and to the left!!" I hate all those "l2p and get gud" replies some people get.. but Jesus Christ man.. L.. 2.. P
  15. skypig

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    the sky!! it's falling!!!!
  16. if it ended up being 1 character per server (regardless of the amount of loot) it would definitely squash server hopping. it would work for sure... the only people it wouldn't work for anymore are the lazy, make no effort, gear up fast, quick-kit kiddies
  17. that's a valid way of looking at it and makes sense too. but I doubt any of them are hopping for science.Edited to finish a damn sentence... child interference.. you know.
  18. skypig

    so much for the struggle

    so you admit your ignorance then? good!
  19. That, to me, seems like the most simple way to put an end to the problem. one character per sever. it's not like it'll make life difficult to take out a pen and paper (tablet/laptop/phone/whatever) and make a note on which character is on any given server... a lot less hassle than dealing with hoppers.
  20. skypig

    so much for the struggle

    this project has already made quite a bit of money... it's only going to make more. you should spend less time trying to be witty and a little more time getting some info on where the game is going
  21. skypig

    Instanced Zombie Horde

    yeah... hordes of infected in a 'zombie' game... fucking crazy talk!
  22. skypig

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    yeah.. it dilates the blood vessels near the surface of your skin increasing blood flow.. it warms the skin slightly while drawing a lot of heat from the core of your body
  23. skypig

    Most wanted feature?

    predator type animals in the woods, give survivalists a real threat. a stash spot, some branches and sticks covering a hole in the ground. not something super hard to find but slightly easy if you're really looking for it.
  24. skypig

    Zombies are normal humans with virus?

    where did he say it was official? do you have a quote for that? OT: it's a "zombie" apocalypse survival game. my character leaves the "Hows and Whys" to the scientific community.. he's too busy running scared or sneaking around to ponder.