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About stc105

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    Woodland Warrior

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    Video games, programming, and faith.
  1. I don't understand? If the excuse for the road signs being in Russian is for realism, then why are the books in English? I know some of the books (if not all of them) say printed in USA, but that still doesn't make sense why there were printed in English. I looked it up, and roughly 10% to 15% of the people in Russian even speak English. I would assume Chernarus would have similar statistics, or even lower than Russia, based on Russian influence and proximity to Russia. If one were to argue, it is just a game (get over it), then why not just make the road signs in English (it's just a game get over it). Little things like this annoy me. Anyone else annoyed by this?
  2. stc105

    Do you want firearms to be rarer?

    You don't need rarity. I agree with Demoth's idea, read his idea: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/174024-personal-feelings-of-military-weapons-and-future-weapons-in-this-game/
  3. stc105

    "Flawed Concept" - Discuss

    Do not read too deep, all creators see their creation as fundamentally flawed (on some level). As an example, just look at J.K. Rowling's thoughts about her book series..
  4. stc105

    Devblog 24 th Feb 2014

    DayZ = Walking and Hunting Simulator
  5. stc105

    What do a mute person do?

    Surprised no one suggested a text to speak app. You can get one for your phone, and put it up to the microphone. Super easy. Although most apps I found, sound a bit robotic. There are some very realist text to voice pc programs, but I dunno how you relay those over thr mic (unless you had two PCs).
  6. Was playing DayZ and I respawned in (fully geared) to that little shed east of the NWAF. Before my eyes was a guy crouching. He looked at me and then a loud sound and my display driver crashed. I could still hear the game and control my character, but I couldn't see anything. Quickly I used my memory to move out of the shed. I restarted the game and waited the whole 250 seconds to spawn. I knew I was dead. I had to be right? I spawned in and guess what, I was alive, and what was even weirder was the guy was still in the shed. He sat there for an hour. He wasn't afk because he was moving in the shed. Strange things in DayZ (especially playing at 4 am).
  7. stc105

    How the heck do i play this?

    I use a gamepad and my experience has improved vastly over the keyboard mouse combo. Use JoyToKey and d-input (not x-input, aka xbox controller). I can give you my JoyToKey profile. You do everything except the 0-9 hotkeys and zeroing.
  8. stc105

    Strange main menu bug, need advice

    I have before when I started the game with startup parameters. Removed parameters and it went away.
  9. stc105

    Books ? why they exist ?

    If the road signs are in Russian shouldn't the books be as well?
  10. Frankie is a lot like Derren Brown, a master of blending reality with illusion. The guy who played Morgan had me cracking up. So funny!
  11. stc105

    noob pc question

    FYI, i use the GTS 250 2gb for my GPU, and it can handle this game (as well as every I have thrown at it). Sounds like a bad driver or possibly a bad card.
  12. stc105

    noob pc question

    Your specs are fine (more than fine). I bet you have 4gb of ram too. Update your graphics driver. Go to nvidia's website or use steams graphics updater.
  13. stc105

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    OP is forgetting one thing! DayZ is not only a survival game, but a walking simulator. As a walking simulator it rocks! All that empty space and neat looking towns. Better stock up before going on your hike, you might get hungry ;) Honestly, the zombies, looting, and PvP are just a backdrop to the true meaning of this game: walking. Though, I guess when they add vehicles it will be a walking/driving simulator. Don't believe me, check out the tags the devs used on the steam page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/221100/
  14. stc105

    Another post about weapons and loot.

    Oh I forgot to mention that once animals are added to the game (I read on the forums somewhere that they can do about 300 animals without causing server issues), starving will not be an issue. The scenario will go like this: Collect water from stream, and kill animal for food. Then light a fire, and boil water and cook food. Thirst and hunger gone :) I assume that the devs will lower food and drink spawns when the cooking and hunting systems are implemented.
  15. stc105

    Another post about weapons and loot.

    Agreed. Iarfur I am the opposite of you. I think the solution is not lower military gear, but make a wide variety of military gear so that you may have an M4, but no ammo for it. Like a STALKER scenario, where you have to mach up the ammo with the gun. In my apocalypse scenario, you will find an M4 and leave it knowing that the chances of finding the right parts and ammo are slim. Now I think military should be lowered a bit, but I dislike the idea of improvised weapons being the replacement. As far as I know, you will be bale to craft a bow and use it like you do in Skyrim. That is crazy, the skills it takes to make a bow (let alone master it), would be a kin to late game rather than early game. What is going to happen is that server hopping kiddos are going to be fully geared while you an me are going to be walking around with a spear.