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About dea†h

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    On the Coast
  1. dea†h

    Server Restricting Graphics Exploitation

    Are some of you even reading the topic. Shadows removes all shadows; no point in hiding in them now. Terrain+Object detail: low; gillie suits and other camo are basicly rendered useless over range as their is nothing to blend into except a terrain texture or standing in a tree. As for these settings anyone with an old 8000 series GeForce (probably 8500 and up) and a 2.4ghz cpu will be able to run Arma 2 with at-least 20-30fps. As I've said, its an admin option. It doesn't have to be on. Similar to restricting players without punkbuster/battle-eye.
  2. dea†h

    Server Restricting Graphics Exploitation

    Not set graphics for players. But restrict access to some degree depending on the players graphics. Also the option can be turned on or off by server admin, so there will definitively be some servers that you can play on any settings.
  3. Due to the flexibility and degree to which you can customize Arma 2's graphics it is possible to create a huge advantage over players with all settings on and over a certain value. This destroys the immersion of DayZ but creates a clear advantage over other players that doesn't exploit the graphics settings. The suggestion is to add an option to restrict player access that doesn't have certain settings on or over a specified value. For example the following in my opinion is the minimum settings required to create proper immersion; the server should restrict access and only allow players that has the following on or over the listed value (if enabled by the admin): - Post-processing: low - Shadows: high - Terran-detail: medium - Object-detail: medium - Gamma: 0-1.0 (allow users to have below 1 but not over) - Brightness 0-1.0 (allow users to have below 1 but not over) The current possible exploitation (and sorry if this gives anyone ideas) is to have the following settings: - Post-processing: off; removes all blur, including blur generated by drained stamina; allows players to see more clearly. - Shadows: off; at night standing in a shadow won't help now when there is a moon to drop shadows; it would be like standing next to a lamp post in the middle of a street; for players are clearly visible now. - Terrain-detail: low; removes most shrub/vegetation over range rendering camo basically useless. - Object-detail: low; similar as above; players are clear visible in contrast with the terrain over range. - HDR: medium-high; helps spotting muzzle flashes. - Gamma: 1.4+- ; at night with a moon out it will work almost better than night-vision/light sources (does not work when there is no moon as there is basically no lightning to contrast with). - Brightness: 1.3+- same as above. Unfortunately this will always bug some players that play for immersion, up to the point where they would start using the exploit themselves. "How did that guy see me in the bush? Where did those shots come from, I was looking in the direction of the sound but saw nothing." etc etc. If its already possible to restrict player graphics, let me know. Regards, TKDeMoNiK Edit: Removed HDR from recommended settings.
  4. dea†h

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Starting to wish at this point that you can create more than one character for patch testing. Really don't feel like dying from dehydration or hunger with all my current gear. Down to 4000 blood atm, so death is pretty much walking right beside me. Going to wait until all the new patch breaks is sorted out before playing. Unless the only local server my country has downgrades to 1.7 :P
  5. YES Though I think the following is a improved version of this idea: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11013&pid=105987#pid105987
  6. dea†h

    Humanity System - Rocket, have a minute?

    Great idea! Imagine being at your little camp site in a forest and the eerie bandit music starts to play. Everyone at the camp will be on edge and paranoid knowing a bandit entered the area close to the camp. Music will work better than the heart beat idea as this won't give the exact location away of the bandit. This should be used for super low humanity. For players that just got low humanity it would be cool to have a very subtle cue such as darting eyes and sweating face as Rocket suggested. As these players might have had to kill someone as self defense the visual cues indicating guilt and anxiety because of what they had to do. Though lets say there are 5 players in a area of Cherno 4 friendly and 1 bandit. The bandit cue is playing, so now all players are weary of whoever they run into. There is now a good chance friendlies will shoot each other on site. Will be a great way to add suspense in a area. Lastly it makes me sad that the bandit model is taken out. It would be really cool if it could spawn as loot which anyone could pick up and wear.