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cessnas (DayZ)

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About cessnas (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. cessnas (DayZ)

    Loose gear on server reset/restart?

    Well you arn't supposed to lose your gear on server restart but sometimes when you have gear and join a server you will spawn at the beach with no gear. This is a bug, and to avoid it you have to don't press any keys and don't move the mice and hit esc, and find a new server. :)
  2. cessnas (DayZ)

    Long range skope (LRS) where does it spawn?

    I'am in electro now and the timezone is GMT +1. I'm on mostly of the day so... Just send me an steam message my name is "cessnas". It would be awsome if you would drop one of for me :D
  3. cessnas (DayZ)

    Long range skope (LRS) where does it spawn?

    Where is this please? I am fairly new to the game so i don't know evry sniper spot yet :/ Is it in the hills above the fire station???
  4. cessnas (DayZ)

    Long range skope (LRS) where does it spawn?

    Thanks for the respons guys ^^ I have been server jumping allot latly but never finde one :( But is it anyone that want to trade? I have allot of gear if anyone wants to trade an LRS. Just conntact me for the location and trade items ^^ i don't ecpect anyone to be willing to trade though but if you don't need one just notify me :)
  5. Hi, i wonder where the LRS scope spawns. I have searched barracks and hangars allot but i never find them. Do where does it spawn then? Anyone got a god answer? I don't!