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About SupermotoJunkie

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pacific Northwest
  • Interests
    Lean angle.
  1. SupermotoJunkie

    Character wipes still happening?

    I have. I'm not going to argue with someone who refuses to accept that they are wrong.
  2. SupermotoJunkie

    Character wipes still happening?

    Hahaha okay whatever dude.
  3. SupermotoJunkie

    Character wipes still happening?

    You know what annoys me? When people say that this is a brand new engine that is being built from the ground up. Because it isn't. If it was, we wouldn't have any of the engine related issues in the game.
  4. SupermotoJunkie

    Character wipes still happening?

    Yeah its not like dayz has existed for several years or anything.
  5. SupermotoJunkie

    Character wipes still happening?

    So you can say alpha some more?
  6. SupermotoJunkie

    Character wipes still happening?

    When did he say that? Or are you just looking for an excuse to spout "alpha! alpha! alpha!" like a retarded parrot?
  7. SupermotoJunkie

    Character wipes still happening?

    Yep, time to mess around on regular servers only to preserve my hardcore guy.
  8. SupermotoJunkie

    It has happened...

    I replied, it isn't fair to say that I stopped reading there since that would be ridiculous if I refused to read something that disagrees with me just because it might make me wrong. I think you will like my response.
  9. SupermotoJunkie

    It has happened...

    Do you mean analogy...? I think you do. What if they said they were going to work on it and get the house finished so you could live there, but every time you come by to see how things are coming they break 2 things for every one thing they add? You come by one day and the roof and windows are there and looking great. Next time you come visit, the windows are all broken and the roof leaks. But they painted a wall!
  10. SupermotoJunkie

    It has happened...

    That's interesting, I personally think that your acceptable/unacceptable responses should be switched but I see where you're coming from about it not being as black and white as I make it seem.
  11. SupermotoJunkie

    It has happened...

    Rule 9. Stop saying "alpha" as though it is some sort of excuse. Do you want to buy my new car? It's in alpha, so it MIGHT blow up and kill your family. If it does though, that's totally okay because we said it might happen! You can't be mad!
  12. SupermotoJunkie

    It has happened...

    Everyone in this thread should read my signature.
  13. SupermotoJunkie


    I join, can't open doors or do anything for a couple minutes. After it stops I've taken 20+ zombie hits and have no health and am bleeding profusely when just moments before all the zombies were standing still and completely unaware of my presence. Having my vest and raincoat as well as all the things in them ruined instantly with no warning is AWESOME. GOTY!
  14. SupermotoJunkie

    Wait for Host..

    All the experimental servers have been down for a week and the ones that were up could not be connected to. I'm not surprised that this is all going the way it is.
  15. SupermotoJunkie

    Wait for Host..

    If only there was some sort of experimental server where new updates could be tested before being deployed to stable....