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    New Zealand by way of Canada

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  1. Yes I like that! Bookmarked. Very interesting way of looking at it. Be good if you could add buildings at some stage but not sure how possible that would be?

    Meet and pop (north)

    Meet people in game bro! It's more...interesting that way! Are you on public or private?

    Whats new in this game?

    It's only been updated once in the last 6 months or so. The new update has introduced the new renderer. So fog, a bit more dynamic weather and pretty sunsets. Infected can now jump over fences and walls which adds a bit to the game. It's got a long way to go but it's improving bit by bit. Still not ready for anyone that wants a finished game but it sure is fun to test!

    Are high capacity vests currently spawning?

    Plate carriers and parts are only spawning at heli crash sites now.

    Burlap sack 0.60?

    I've found 3 in one hour run. They are still in the same places like Mookie said above. Garages and sheds and I think I found one spawned into a jacket or something like that too but can't remember for sure. The new loot economy is a bit different and it seems the coast is getting picked clean faster than before so move inland.

    READ. - This game though.

    Yes I don't hear you attempting to shift gears at all. Was that the problem? EDIT. Okay I hear you try at about 3 minutes but you only tried a few times and then when you did move you were in high gear. at 4:30 it sounds like you shifted into low but then right away shifted again. Gotta learn how to drive stick man.


    For some reason under filters, show passworded only is ticked. Untick it.

    .60 Experimental Noob Question

    Yes I'v read all about it. I'm going to stick with Stable Branch.
  9. Okay So I've been playing Dayz since the mod. I've never bothered with experimental branches but might like to give this one a go. I know it's experimental and going to have many bugs but I'm also a software tester so I can submit some bug reports. My question is....how do I go about downloading the experimental branch? I have searched but typing in experimental right now makes my computer explode! Cheers in advance.
  10. CANUCKinNZ

    Sleeveless Shirts Bug

    No. I've never seen that. Anyone else.
  11. CANUCKinNZ

    How to find SNIPER Equipment FAST and EASY

    Guns are no good without ammo. Now double time it to NWAF and then pop back down to the coast. I have a question. Was this all shot on the same server or did you hop, hop hop? Also what was the server population? On a 40 person server these are the first places to be looted and are almost always empty in my experience.
  12. CANUCKinNZ

    how to enjoy the game?

    What is he even saying? OP are you getting kicked from the server due to bad ping or by an admin or do you mean you get kicked out of the truck? I don't get it? Get better internet? Fill up the truck with fuel. Stop worrying about a truck and go survive? please clarify.
  13. CANUCKinNZ

    Real Life Skills You've Learned from DayZ

    Sadly trust no one.
  14. CANUCKinNZ

    Hyperthermia and Hypothermia

    Lately I have been carrying a rain jacket in my waterproof backpack always. As soon as there is the first hint of rain I am putting it on. You can still use it as a storage container as well so it doesn't take up extra space. Pants are all over the place too so I don't worry so much about waterproof pants. Just swap them out once the sun comes out.
  15. Yep, I think it's more to prevent combat loggers than server hoppers although 1 minute isn't long enough right now. A combat logger hears a gunshot or gets in a battle with you. They log out, jump to another server, change their position, (Usually right behind where you are hiding!) and then log back into your server shoot you in the back. The worst kind of player! A few patches ago it was dependant on how long you have been in that particular server if I remember correctly? If you were in for under a half hour it was like a 3 minute wait I think? Then over an hour it was only 60 seconds. I am not sure why they got rid of it but I think this type of timer will come back in some form or another soon.