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About ianwrecked

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  1. ianwrecked

    After waiting a year-

    After waiting a year due to some unforeseen computer monitor issues (read: it broke), I just started playing DayZ again after I treated myself to a new monitor. This game is in a much better state than when I left it. Pretty cool stuff is happening. My framerate is now much better, not as many clothing/item glitches, and the general play of the game seems much better. Very impressed with it growing as much as it has. I have noticed a few things missing, or at least not as around as before like soda/Kvass and alike. Also, it seems as though there are more zombies throughout the game now. Although, this could be just because of the servers I've been on. Regardless, I am still very excited to see what the future brings to this game. Cheers.
  2. A few weeks back after I fixed my PC, I resumed my progress on a server that I've played on for a couple weeks. Loaded out character, enough food/water/ammo to last me a month, and as I was wondering around the map, I found myself in a rather hilarious situation where I deemed it better to kill myself on purpose than let anyone kill me. Of course, my gear would still be for the taking- but it would be far more funny to see someone leap to their death knowing they were fully geared than opposed to putting up a worthy fight. I was bored. Bored with character, bored with searching for ammo for my AKM, and bored with everything else. I just wanted to start fresh. So I did. Coincidentally, my death was timed rather well the release of .57, so I can revel in the league of bambis wandering the shores/coast. My question to you is, fellow anonymous DayZ player/forum reader, is- have you ever killed yourself on purpose to start a "new life"?
  3. Yo duders. I've been playing DayZ like it's going out of style and I still have a few questions. 1.) Am I correct to assume that when the server time says it's "9:00", that it means the server just restarted? 2.) Am I also correct to assume that people just hang out and loot airbases, then quit the game- thus spawning them in the same airfield so they can keep collecting guns/ammo/etc? 3.) I found my first vehicle a few minutes ago- how does one get the "drop down box" without furiously pressing f/middle mouse key and hoping and praying it shows the "turn engine off" or "get out" dialogue?
  4. ianwrecked

    Hey dudes. First time playing DayZ

    Well, those "big dogs" could've at least given me some beans and an alcohol tincture because I like to get wined and dined before I get fu*ked haha.
  5. ianwrecked

    Hey dudes. First time playing DayZ

    It all changed about 5 minutes ago. Made my way from the coast to an airfield (which probably wasn't a good idea because most people hang there to grab loot/KOS) because I've never been to one. Found some great gear. Best pack in the game, found a ton of military-esque things, plenty of food/ammo/water. I hear a "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" in the distance and decide to the best cover I can find. Not only do I hear their laughs of joy, but I also hear a military truck. As I'm running, I look back to see where they are. They're about 3 feet from me. BOOM. Dead. I laughed. Then I cried. But then I laughed again.
  6. Hey dudes. Just built a new computer yesterday after a couple years with a Mac. I bought the Mac because I've always been a PC guy and I wanted to try something different. I mainly used my Mac to record music. I downloaded Steam after a long hiatus (I've had it since it was launched, really), but it quickly became apparent that Macs were no good for gaming whatsoever (weird, I know). After doing some research on building a PC, my electrical engineering friend and I built it yesterday after a week of waiting for everything to get here. This was my first PC build ever and it went great. I've been reading this forum for a while so before I even started playing the game I went ahead and changed my .cfg files, etc and changed all my settings. Pretty solid FPS, even in rather big towns (haven't hit any big cities yet). Very useful information on this forum I must say. I've watched countless DayZ videos to make sure it's something I would be interested in buying, etc. Pretty impressed with how good it looks and performs even with some of the graphic settings turned down or off. After about 6-7 hours of playing, I met about 6 people and not one of them killed me on sight...which is strange considering everything I've read/seen/heard tells me otherwise. I know the day is coming that it will happen to me, I'm just honestly surprised that it hasn't happened yet. Pretty pumped about this game. I feel as though it's definitely got something that other survival games don't have- whether it be the gritty feel of the environment or the military style play it encourages. Regardless, I'm pumped to officially start playing this game with decent settings and look forward to meeting you guys in game and/or getting shot in the face.
  7. ianwrecked

    Guns you can't wait to see in DayZ?

    I personally think the Mauser K98 would be a welcome addition. I realize it wasn't a Russian gun, however it definitely made it's way into Russian hands at some point during the WWII conflict.
  8. ianwrecked

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Considering your setup doesn't match the minimum requirements, I'm not surprised that it won't run it at all.
  9. ianwrecked

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Hey dudes. I'm building a gaming PC this week and I'm looking for opinions as it's the first one I'll be building myself. I know there are quite a bit of other forums out there to ask for advice, but I'll post it here to see what I get back. Here is the potential build I'm looking at. I'm sure it'll run DayZ, however any insight on to how well it will would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/wjT3vK