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About fluffywonger

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    On the Coast
  1. THE UNKNOWN We are the Unknown. We are not afraid, We are not forgiving. The unknown are the best that this god damn shit hole of a world can handle... We go in and come out leaving no traces and no casualties. We kill anything that is armed and a threat to any of the Head Stalkers as they are the core to this world and the Children of the future or as we call it Atom. RANKING: _Head Stalkers_ Stalker Freedom Stalker Lancelot _Ghosts_ _Hounds_ _Wolfs_ _Stalker_ _Novice Stalker_ _Hidden_ _Survivor_ _Novice Survivor_ _Freshmen_ SPECIALITY: The Unknown likes to organise there members to ensure no tactical fault's are shown to our enemies which we will face in this damned forsaken world. _Watcher_ These men are the ones who now how to handle a high powered rifle and NEVER miss a shot there will be several shooting tests to complete before obtaining this speciality. _Lookout_ These are the men who guard our base of operations who lookout for any approaching enemies these men also act as spotters for Watchers. _Scavenger_ These are the scavengers of the group who check local towns and cities for supplies such as building materials or even a vehicle. _Hunter_ These men hunt for food, bases and people. _Trooper_ These are the rough tough clean the battlefield men who go in and out swiftly. _Pilot_ These men are exceptional flyers and have to be trusted within The Unknown to be able to obtain this as well as going through all of the training. _Unknown_ The Unknown are the Squad Leaders they do as they please as long as it is efficient to our operation. TRAINING: Every day The Watchers will host an training event and if a member does not turn up to at least 3 training sessions for two weeks they will be stripped of owning a Watcher License. RECRUITMENT: Name: PID: Age: Location (Timezone): Speciality: IGN: XML: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/224249193/Unkown%20XML/squad.xml ASSOCIATIONS: We are officially associated with Snatchit Gaming their servers: TS3: ts3.hfbservers.com:10084 DayZ Epoch: We The Unknown will be playing on the DayZ Epoch server of theres. -Head Stalker Freedom
  2. fluffywonger

    Epoch Server Looking for Clan Partner(s)

    I am starting a clan named "The Unkown" [TU] for short we would be honoured to partner at the moment two members but I will put together a thread by tonight. -Head Stalker of The Unkown
  3. "There's nothing I like better than making another poor bastard die for his country!"