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Everything posted by ld-airgrafix

  1. ld-airgrafix

    Comparing DayZ to similar games.

    You couldnt be more wrong when it comes to forests in dayz vs h1z1. Chernarus is incredibly realistic when it comes to portraying forests . Im originally from europe and i can tell you dayz got the flora and terrain spot on. Unlike h1z1 butt ugly hills that look like they were made in unity editor. Zombies or infected AI is still terrible in dayz, worse than warz/infestation.
  2. ld-airgrafix

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    Well you cant really blame the players, weapons are there, whether players server hopped or not. this game is becoming just another Arma, shooter game. Only devs can do something about it, a year has gone by and still few zombies or infected, i doubt we will ever see hordes. But all these snipers and kosers only make my game that much more realistic. I treat it like i would in real life, trust no one only take what i need. To me a can of food is more important then a box of bullets, especially the one i dont have a gun for. I use my mosin's scope to check out a town from afar, move in and loot and get out. When im full i wander around looking for a possible settlement once base building is implemented. Only had to fire a bullet or two while hunting deer. Sadly havent seen any zombies for a while. I have kept this character alive since the last wipe. I bought this game for survival aspect not Arma/cod appeal.
  3. ld-airgrafix

    Tech help

    while playing dayz i noticed really bad lag, never had a problem before and played on medium settings for almost a year. I lowered my settings to lowest and that fixed nothing. I thought it was issue with dayz and left it at that. Then i noticed the same with 7d2d although not as bad. Now same issue with my unity game. So its definetly my laptop. I have i5 with intel graphics, yes its shit but never had issues before. I have defragmented the drives and graphics card is updated as well. What else can i do to fix this issue? Thanks
  4. ld-airgrafix

    Tech help

    Ok after running virus scan, 7d2d improved drastically, dayz not really. I played around with graphics resolution, and after hitting default it went into this really bad almost pixaleted resolution but it was running very smooth. So i have settled on 75% resolution and it allows me to play well enough, until i get a better pc or laptop. Thanks guys
  5. ld-airgrafix

    I don't get why you'd play this over the mod?

    Of course it didnt capture the spirit of the mod. One is arma with zombies, the other, only recently, a survival game. Yes it started off very slowly, but im happy with the amount of updates now. I just wish they did a new map with a post apocalyptic feel.As for h1z1, i would wait for 15 of jan before calling it a killer of anything
  6. ld-airgrafix

    Now that Rockets gone....

    Do you need this in a survival game??? Is that car a km away a threat to you at night?
  7. ld-airgrafix

    Dayz is unplayable

    I have an i5 with intel graphics card. Never had issues with dayz as long as i played medium settings. Ever since 0.51 dayz has become a nightmare for me. Everything is slow moving, unlike fps drops where the screen might freeze for couple of seconds, this is a constant slow movement, even my main screen, when i try to rotate my avatar, is affected. Turning my settings to lowest doesnt help either. Arma2 and its mods are fine, no issues there. Any ideas, thanks in advance
  8. ld-airgrafix

    Clarification on "Base Building"

    Want to know what base building will be like, play the mods, and you will know
  9. ld-airgrafix

    There's Still Hope!

    Wish we had more of these "sexy saviours" type of players, but i suppose for stories like this we also need some 12 yo cod kids, so beanz for everyone
  10. Unless you were lucky to come across couple shirts to tear for bandages, i wouldnt recommend fighting zeds until u get some melee weapons. "Chainreactor" posted a very useful post above mine. Vaulting fences is a big saviour, i bet most on here didnt know that, neither did i until other day. Also running between houses they tend to give up easily. Unless you are only interested in pvp, i would also suggest go inland immediately, dont hang around coast. Eventually you will come across a small village without any zeds, and hopefully some food.
  11. ld-airgrafix

    How many hits?

    Its the same issue Dayz has probably the simplest melee fighting out of any game, reminds me of those Rock em, sock em robots. We dont even have a jumping animation yet. i doubt we will ever see that implemented. And that is a great idea btw. Maybe start of with a simple chance of a wrist sprain if you swing an axe and miss. Causing pain restricting you to opening cans of food loading ammo etc
  12. Best part of dayz is starting fresh. The only time you feel desperate. But would i part with my mosin that has a long range scope, hell no, i will bitch when i loose that character ha ha
  13. Im still confused as to why introduce cannibalism? Unless future updates will make the cans of food really scarce. Then again dayz is apparently set in early days of outbreak which explains lack of post apocalypse feel, so cannibalism doesnt really make sense. Games like The long dark or even The forest, i could understand the need for cannibalism but not dayz. Could dayz developers be trying to cash in on the terminus situation in TWD?
  14. ld-airgrafix

    Priest Banned?

    That would go well with all the churches chernaurus has. In the mod priests sometimes spawn as AI, and they have godly powers, shot one 3 times, each time he just got up and bandaged himself.
  15. ld-airgrafix

    What does "Go your way" mean?

    Whats the worse that can happen to him, spawn again somewhere else, on the other hand he could have easily ended up with a full gear with a bit of luck from some lag. I have seen this many times, even happened to me. Dayz controls just like Arma, are clunky and slow, so in a close area he knew he had a good chance. All players care about is guns, guns, more guns, and a can of beanz everynow and then.
  16. ld-airgrafix

    Day Z Standalone Finished PRICE Changes?

    I have an i5 with intel graphics card and on medium setting it runs fine. SA is more of a survival game, mod isnt. SA is more polished etc, but if you are a player that expects to be fully armed with a high caliber sniper, then SA isnt for you. In SA, unless you like server hopping, you should be lucky to find a mosin with bullets within 1st hour. But thats survival and to me thats fun
  17. ld-airgrafix

    Dayz Epoch

    Im so confused with these games and what they are. So there is Arma, which created the dayz mod. From that came dayz sa. So what the hell is is dayz Epoch???? Why is it so ahead of dayz??? And the there is Breaking Point. Why is bohemia creating so many of the same games, and yes they are the same, same sounds, same buildings and textures.
  18. ld-airgrafix

    Long Break From DayZ, what's new?

    Zombies are still the same, exactly the same. The only difference is melee weapons work now.
  19. ld-airgrafix

    Cars in Dayz Standalone

    i was against vehicles until i played the mods. I hope they are slightly harder to come by in SA.
  20. ld-airgrafix

    I suck at killing zombies

    When fighting zombies make sure you have bandages stashed all over your inventory. Sooner or later you will get hit, whether its lag or zombies extended reach, and the worse that can happen is ruined bandages. Also dont panic if u get hit once or twice. Few cans of food, you will get your health back. Any axe is one hit kill, pick istwo hit kill.
  21. ld-airgrafix

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Including more ways of gaining food makes your survival easier. Understand
  22. ld-airgrafix

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Well i totally disagree with you, most players in all mods are more than willing to help, i am still to die from another player. I have had more interaction with players in 10 hours in mods, than 400+ hours in standalone. Inclusion of growing vegetables in 0.50 has just made standalone that much less of a survival game. But seeing as these are "negative comments" toward dayz sa, attack begins in 3....2....1
  23. Same here, i change the .cfg file settings, once inside everything is fine until i attempt to change settings ingame. This gives me a really low resolution, i can barely make out any letters
  24. ld-airgrafix

    Do we really need more towns?

    Well im always for more towns, buildings etc. Am i for the existing buildings, hell no. I wouldnt mind some variety, eg in the mod lingor map, there are some nice african/arabic buildings. Perhaps they can introduce a different environment such as as desert where these buildings would go so nicely
  25. ld-airgrafix

    DayZ 0.5 first impression after long break

    Actually there is, craft a bow, do some fishing, hunting. The problem with most players is they hang around military buildings trying to loot high powered guns or kill an unarmed bambi, and when this doesnt happen they complain